Chapter Twelve

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The sun greeted them, coming out just as they arrived at the park, the warm beams breaking through their cloudy prison. Ross held one of Cameron's hands and Rachel held Cameron's other, as they strolled down the winding path.

The last time they had been to this park Ross had brought Ben to meet Cameron. The two boys were only a couple of years apart. Both Ross and Rachel were pleased that their son's had taken a liking to each other.

Today, Cameron had insisted that they go out and do something together. He had become attached to Ross over the past weeks, a progression Ross was overjoyed to experience. He hoped that spending time with Rachel and Cameron would help Rachel see what he saw. He hoped that when he told Rachel his suspicions she would realize it immediately.

He planned to tell her soon, but every time he tried there was always something in the way – true Ross and Rachel timing.

As they approached a park bench, Ross and Rachel took a seat together while Cameron ran off to play.

A light breeze swept through the trees, blowing a few strands of Rachel's golden hair into her face. Ross subconsciously reached out to tuck the hair behind her ear, staring into her eyes with passion the entire time.

Ross immediately became nervous as he realized he wasn't following Rachel's request to take things slow. He swiftly turned his gaze to the dirt-covered ground beneath their feet.

Ross glanced around; the atmosphere was strangely quiet for such a busy city. Not many people were around. He took a deep breath through his nose, gathering some courage. This was the perfect moment for a heart-to-heart conversation, no people to eavesdrop, and he had to get this off his chest. Just as he opened his mouth to speak, Rachel cut him off.

"Can I confess something?" Rachel asked, her eyes fearfully scanning the park.

"What's wrong, Rach?" Ross responded, sensing her nervousness.

"I set up a time for Mark to meet Cameron," Rachel admitted softly.

"Really? Wow. So, um, when's the big day?" Ross questioned, making conversation to try and distract himself from the knots that twisted his stomach.

"Today... I kind of invited him to meet us here," Rachel cringed. She didn't know how Ross would react, but she needed to let him know before Mark showed his face.

"You know I don't like Mark the slightest bit," Ross stated seriously. He didn't want to see Mark ever again and now he would be here to interrupt his time alone with Rachel and Cameron.

"I knew you'd react like that," Rachel disclosed with frustration.

"What did you expect Rachel? This is Mark we're talking about," Ross stated, bitterly. He crossed his arms across his chest.

"I'm scared, Ross," Rachel whispered, "I wanted a friend to be here for support." Tears stung her eyes as she spoke. Ross immediately softened. It didn't matter what he thought anymore, what feeling he had towards Mark. He would be there to give Rachel the confidence she needed.

"I'm here for you," Ross declared, placing a hand sympathetically on her knee.

"Thank you, Ross," Rachel said, looking at him with glassy eyes.

Ross gingerly put his arm around her, bringing her close. He could feel her heart pounding as he hugged her to his side. He wished he could calm her, but there was nothing he could do or say to help her in a situation like this.

Ross only wished she didn't have to do this, that Mark wasn't the father. There was one way to stop this meeting from happening. Slowly his courage returned once more.

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