chapter 13

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The afternoon sun had dimmed into a warm evening glow, mostly caused by the many street lamps and city lights. Ross had a difficult time seeing the small figure that sat on the steps, but he knew it was him.

His prediction was correct, he had found Cameron.

Ross was as quiet as possible as he climbed up the stairs; Cameron did not as glance up at him. The little boy sat with his knees pulled to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, his tear-filled gaze was focused on the ground in front of his feet. Ross didn't say a word; he just took a seat on the step, next to Cameron.

"I knew I'd find you here," Ross whispered after a long moment of silence. Cameron looked at him with his wide eyes that could not hide the emotion he felt.

"I didn't want to go anywhere else," Cameron explained in a rough whisper.

"Why did you choose the museum?" Ross asked as he gestured to the vast building. He was curious why Cameron chose to run off to the Museum of Natural History.

"I knew you'd come here when you came to work in the morning, I was waiting for you to find me," Cameron described, his voice still low as if he was sharing a secret.

"You scared us by running away like that," Ross scolded gently.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think, I just ran," Cameron explained, hanging his head with guilt. He began to whimper slightly as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Hey, hey, it's alright Cam, you're safe now," Ross said. He tenderly touched Cameron's arm.

"Mark told me the truth... he told me he is my Dad. I didn't want that stranger to be my Dad, I didn't like him, so I ran," Cameron revealed, glancing up at Ross.

"You didn't like him?" Ross inquired.

"No. I like you a lot better. Why can't you be with Mommy?" Cameron spoke, looking at Ross with pleading eyes.

"I-I, um... oh, speaking of your Mom, we should call her," Ross said, swiftly changing the subject. He hurriedly pulled his phone from his pocket, dialing Rachel's number as soon as it was in his hand.

"Ross?" Rachel's voice said as soon as she picked up.

"Yes, it's me. I found Cameron, he's safe here with me, so calm down," Ross declared in a rush. He could hear her sigh with relief.

"Thank you Ross, thank you," Rachel whispered breathlessly.

"It's no problem. I'll bring him to your place right now," Ross responded, noticing that Cameron watched him as he spoke into the cell phone.

"Thank you, see you soon," Rachel concluded with a smile spreading across her face.

"Bye, Rach," Ross answered, hanging up the phone.

Rachel put her cell phone back into her purse, before finally being able to sit down and relax slightly.

It was only Mark and her in apartment 20, he had insisted on making sure his son got home safely. Rachel was just thankful that Monica was not home from work yet. From the comfort of the chair, he observed Rachel as she took a seat on the couch.

"So?" He asked the moment she sat down.

"He found Cam, they're on their way home," Rachel spoke softly. She withheld her excitement. She couldn't bring herself to express her joy when she had to tell him the truth about Cameron not being his son.

"I'm so happy, I was so worried," Mark said with delight.

"Mark, I can't do this, I have to tell you something," Rachel admitted, she couldn't meet his eyes.

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