Chapter thirty-five

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The air around him was even colder under the shadows of night. Killian's lungs burned, gasping for air, his muscles screaming with exhaustion, begging to rest. But he couldn't rest. He had to warm them, had had to keep them safe. Jasper was in danger. Getting to them as soon as possible was the best option; not just to warn them of the impending attack, but to give them time for prepare if they chose to fight. The question was, would they even believe him when he reached them?

Thorns snagged at Jasper's jacket, lashing against his legs and he frantically moved through the woods. With every step away from his cousin, Killian's heart grew shrouded with more and more despair. Jackson had betrayed him, lied to him. Made him feel safe, at home, in a new group that acted as if they cared. Nobody cared about him anymore. He wasn't even sure if Jasper did. With his heart aching and lungs bursting, Killian felt hot tears welling up behind his eyes, but pressed on. Every second he didn't reach them was a second wasted.

Biters snarled, and he could have sworn he saw one flanking him a few yards off. He was already having a hard enough time stumbling through the underbrush without the damned creatures attacking him. At last, Killian skidded to a halt, heaving for breath. He stood at the edge of a field, staring out through the darkness. In the distance he could see the faint shape of a farmhouse. The sky was starting to get lighter, and Killian knew it wouldn't be long before Renier's people arrived as well.

Not sparing any minute, Killian continued to cross the field as quickly as his legs could carry him. Gathering the attention of a few biters as he ran, he forced himself not to look at them. The ground flew past in his panic, until he tripped over the stairs of the farmhouse veranda after what felt like a lifetime. Struggling to his feet, it took all of his strength to slam his fist against the door as hard as he could. His eyes felt heavy, his chest heaving with the effort to bring in any oxygen it possibly could, forehead drenched with sweat. The exhausting journey had left him shaking, his throat parched.

"Jasper!" Killian yelled as loud as he could, his throat rasping with lack of hydration. He sounded pathetic, and he hated it. But now wasn't the time to worry about how he sounded. Now was the time to make sure his group was warned about the looming threat they faced. A few alarmed, garbled shouts reached his ears from the other side of the door, followed by loud arguing. Voices were raised and aggressive, hostile. He couldn't hear what they were saying over the roaring of blood in his ears.

Suddenly lurching forwards when the door opened, Killian fell to the floor, panting heavy. Large, familiar hands helped him up. Looking up, Killian's tears spilled over when he caught sight of Jasper's face. The other man's eyes were widened, alarmed and frightened for...him. Jasper was ignoring the angry shouts from his groupmates, all of his focus on Killian. "Jasper," He gasped softly, "Jasper, they're coming to-They're-" Killian could barely catch his breath enough to talk. His chest burned with effort as he finally managed to wheeze, "Renier. They're coming to kill you away, I don't know, they're trying to take the farmhouse."

"How do we know he's not being sent here to trick us?" Casimir snarled from behind Jasper. Killian's breath hitched in his chest when the other man pointed a gun straight at him. His tears stuck to his face as he shook his head desperately, trying to collect his thoughts and calm himself long enough to explain everything.

"No, no I had to...I had to warn you." Killian insisted, "You have to listen to me, you're all in danger! Jasper, you have to listen, you have to believe me!"

Without hesitation Jasper said, "He's telling the truth. Killian wouldn't lie to me." Killian pressed his face into Jasper's neck, his whole body shaking from the exhaustion weighing down on him. "He wouldn't be crying or this exhausted if it was all planned out." The man added sharply, interrupted Casimir once again. "Tom, what are we going to do?"

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