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Sadness is all the last of the Hatsune family could feel. They have lost a lot. Their house, their land, their herbs, their staff, their friends, and most of all, their family.

The public was a bit shocked to hear about the Hatsune family being abolished, Which was far from true. Only two members are left in the family. When he was 7 years old, poor Maruki didn't know how to make his poor mother stop crying. Murasaki cried day and night for the first 5 months, after a while she learned to cope with it. She felt the loss of her babies inside of her stomach, which carried her to depression. She was close to dying but had Maruki make a medicine for her.

Without her husband, she felt lost. Sure he left things for them in case he died but. . . she didn't want him to die like this. Yoshio, her boy. Her eldest boy. He died trying to protect his mother but failed. Every time she closed her eyes she pictures the gruesome image of her son.

Blood. Blood everywhere.

And Maruki.

The poor boy didn't know how to help his mother. He tried cleaning, cooking, and reading to her and she still was depressed. He cried for the first 3 months, but after a while, he needed to step up since his mother was ill. So he cleaned the little shack that they now home. It's been 3 years since the incident.

Sometimes Murasaki would train him in the ways of swordsmanship. When she has snapped out of her daze of course

"Again!" She yelled at him. Ever since the attack of the demons, she has been training him to use Breathing Styles. The Moon Breathing and The Flame Breathing. Her element is mostly the Moon Breathing but she has learned how to do two of the Flame Breathing. While he enjoys training, he dislikes waking up before dawn.

"It's pretty early. Shouldn't we-"

"AGAIN!" She yelled at him. She had him running in the cold, with a big stone on his back. The poor boy was tired of running in the cold, but he didn't want to disappoint his mother. During those two years, he has already mastered ten of the Moon forms and two of the Flame forms. She has made him do multiple flips and leg stretches along with some meditation to make his body more flexible.


|| 紅蓮華 ||

強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め

泥だらけの走馬灯に酔う こわばる心震える手は掴みたいものがある それだけさ夜の匂いに (I spent all 30 nights)空睨んでも (staring into the sky)変わっていけるのは自分自身だけ それだけさ

強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め

どうしたって! 消せない夢も 止まれない今も誰かのために強くなれるなら何度でも立ち上がれ世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして

どうしたって! 消せない夢も 止まれない今も誰かのために強くなれるなら何度でも立ち上がれ世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして

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