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They say, that the moon and stars are supposed to be your light guiding you back to where you came from. But that only works if you've been good.

Maruki bawled. He cradles and bawled at the sight of his mother. All the blood staining her lilac kimono and her face. Maruki tried to wipe the blood off of her face but ended up making it splash onto his own. Murasaki's zōri was laying next to her, blood as well. After relentless crying, he went to bury her in the dirt and made a silent prayer for her.

Maruki then went inside the house, grabbed the vase of flowers, and ran back outside with them. He cried as he lay the three flowers that represented his mother. Sakurasou(Primula sieboldii), Ajisai(Hydrangea), and Kaneshon (Carnation). Each of these represents his love and respect for her.

After doing so, anger starts to flood through his veins

"Wherever you are. Whoever did this-"

"I will kill you!"


|| 紅蓮華(Gurenge) ||

強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め

泥だらけの走馬灯に酔う こわばる心震える手は掴みたいものがある それだけさ夜の匂いに (I spent all 30 nights)空睨んでも (staring into the sky)変わっていけるのは自分自身だけ それだけさ

強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進め

どうしたって! 消せない夢も 止まれない今も誰かのために強くなれるなら何度でも立ち上がれ世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして

どうしたって! 消せない夢も 止まれない今も誰かのために強くなれるなら何度でも立ち上がれ世界に打ちのめされて負ける意味を知った紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ! 運命を照らして

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"So he's lives by that swamp? Are you sure? Because from what I've been told he lives near a mountain." He questioned the two ladies again. They weren't giving him the answers he wanted, only flirting with him. Do they not know that he's 10? They giggled their heads and nodded a yes to him which made him sigh. He bid them farewell and headed in the direction that they gave him.

Hitachiin Hikaru was the name his mother had mentioned. It was a dumb name in  Maruki's opinion but the man had to be good if people weren't laughing at his name. As he walked further to the swamp he heard a voice call to him.

"Hey, you!"  He turned to the sound and saw an old man living in a shack, he points to himself and the old man nodded

"Yeah, you! Where are you going? There's a dead end up there"

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