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Hikaru sensei yelled at the examiner in frustration. I mean I could properly understand why he would be mad, but there's no need to make the poor man piss his pants.

"S-sir those are the ru-"

"I don't give a flying rat's ass if that's the king himself! Make it to where he's allowed to participate! You incompetent debu!"

That seems to make the examiner annoyed. He moved from behind the counter and got into Hikaru-sensei's face.

"Oi! who you calling a debu you busu man!"

"Oh boy..." I said quietly. Soon an argument between the two started as they threw insults at each other. I quietly watch as I ate some Ichigo daifuku. I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning since we had to travel very early.

After a while, I became annoyed at the whole outcome of the situation. I mean it wasn't a big deal. I'd only have to wait for a couple of years

'I wonder when this fight will be over?'

"Do you not know who this boy is?!"

"Should I care? No! Now get out!"

"How dare you?! He is the son of the late Hatsune Yuuto! An heir! You bulbous man!" With those words, the registration man quickly turns pale, he diverted his attention to me, staring worriedly to make the connection. His facial expression was hilarious.

"O-Oh I see. . . well sir even though I could lose my job for this. . . I will permit you to join the Final Selection"

I decided to intervene in this, seeing the poor man doing his work, but worrying about losing it.

"Sir, if I may, you can't lose your job if I am the Kazuko"

"While that is correct, milord but the difference is it's in charge, by the Demon Slayers"

"And who do you think pays them? If anything, I'm also in charge as well correct? I mean who helps maintain it? My father did" The man couldn't say anything as he was dumbfounded. He went into the draws of the desk and handed me a number tag, then bowed.

"A-ah, my apologies. Recently they have decided to update the program. Each contestant must have a number to enter, I've already written down your number. The event will start in a few hours, please head up to Fujikasane Mountain" With his words, I bowed my head, and grabbed Hikaru-sensei's hand.

"Ooh! Wait! You will see two users there! One black and one white!"


"Sensei, shut up"

The man blinked for a bit then realizes what we meant "N-No! Their hair, one is black and one is white! How dare you accuse me of such things! Moving on, there will be a ceremony, and after that, the event will start. Wish you well Young Hatsune"

I looked at Sensei to see him weirdly smiling at me, I tilted my head in confusion. He leaned down to me and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Now, Matsuki. You're the best student I've ever had. We may not have started out strong but the year I spent with you, made me feel as if you were my son, the one I never had and for that, I want to say-"

". . . Arigato gozaimasu" My eyes widened at that. I didn't think that he would hold me so dare. So strong so...


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