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"Can you at least act like you care" "stop kindaichi you know I care how many times do I need to say it" "when you mean it Kunimi" "no kinda I-"

A few days earlier

"Guys so I have an-" "shut it flattykawa" "good one iwa" "I like that nickname " "why are you guys so mean" "ugh shut it flatty"

"Hey Kunimi don't you think we were being a little rude " "no not at all onion top" (low key forgot if it's like that) "kuni stopppp calling me onion top" " once you stop calling me kuni gladly " "ugh your so annoying kuni" "say that to yourself now get off eww"

"I love you Kuni" kindaichi said quietly secretly hoping  Kunimi would hear "What did you say onion" was all he heard "nothing "

With oikawa,iwa and kuni

"So Kunimi why did you call us here" "shut up idiotkawa so what do you need Kunimi" " kindaichi said he loved me " " oh..." "what do you mean oh" "so you guys aren't dating" " oikawa what no" "shut up flattykawa"

"Wait you guys thought we were dating " " you guys kinda like each other it's obvious Kunimi" " what no I don't like kindaichi" "look Kunimi don't be to late to realize that or you'll lose him" " bye yahoo " " bye Kunimi good luck "

With kindaichi and kunimi

"Hey onion head" "what is it now kunimi" " wow you didn't call me kuni are you okay " " what do you care Kunimi" " kindaichi are you okay do you have a fever "

Kunimi said reaching out to touch kindaichis four head which was the only result to kindaichi pulling his hand away from his head 

"Can you stop acting like you care for gods sake" kin daichi said obviously mad kunimi looked at kindaichi with a confused face "what do you mean acting" kindaichi kind of screaming said "you and i know you dont care" and left

Kindaichis pov
How could I be so stupid I almost gave up and told him no I can't tell him not yet it needs to wait all he would do is reject me....

The next day

"Kuni why would you ask me to meet you here" " well onion top believe it or not it's a date" " I'm sorry a what " " wait let me look back at the text " " onion stop it and enjoy be glad in actually doing this

As they walked away kindaichi looked at his phone to the text from earlier

Kinkuni pm

Hey onion top

Onion top
Omg stop calling me that but what do you want

Want to go to the fair

Onion top
Sure I'll meet you there


He looked up from his phone only for it to get snatched by kunimi "let's have fun for once onion top" kindaichi just rolled his eyes at the name

Few hours later on the wheel of fortune time skip brought to you by meeeeee

"Kuni be honest why did you take me on this so called date " " because I love you Onion top" " oh okay kun-"  "what was that "  " I said I love you "

Kindaichi was so surprised he said I love you but before he realized it he had been screaming it kunimi kissed him the kiss was sweet and gentle it was nothing like kunimi is this the kunimi he didn't know if it was he wanted to know everything about him

Extra fluff

Everyone was starting and trying to get used to the fact that kunimi and kindaichi were dating it was weird at first but they were happy for them they finally realized there feelings for each other

"Hey onion top get me some popcorn " kunimi said while laying down on his stomach while watching a movie kindaichi was in the kitchen who rolled his eyes by that's name "even tho we're dating you won't stop calling me that huh "

" of course not it's your name babe "Kuni said trying to get Himself to not call him onion top "anyways I tried to hard I think I'll stop now " " so rude " " always for you kuni"

Halooo this was like really short I'm working on the suggestions but I've been to caught up with work so I hope you enjoy this

Thank you KristinLaureen for this suggestion

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