
I roll over in my bed tangled in the sheets with Calum still sound asleep. Sunlight coming through the curtains. I got my phone to see what I have missed when I was asleep. Lots of texts in the group chat. I don't know why we have 10 people in there even we are all friends.

Everyone was talking about their plans for Christmas and everyone was replying but Calum and I which can seem suspicious.

I looked at my roommate group chat with Kat and Maya and they texted me saying they made it home safe and they love me. I was kind of expecting them to accuse me of seeing Calum which was surprising when they didn't.

"Morning, baby." Calum deeply whispered. His voice was always deep and soft in the mornings from what I remember waking up next to him when we dated. "Good morning and don't call me that." I greeted without looking away from my phone. "Why? I know you love it." Calum really wanted to push my buttons with his response. I got out bed and walked to the bathroom and locked the door.

I turned on the hot shower and got in. I have no idea what I am doing with him because I know we shouldn't get back together.

Yes I said I have feelings for him too but it's the anxiety that one of us will regret it then other person doesn't. I quickly finished showering trying not sit there and have a breakdown.

When I came out of the shower and got dressed. Calum was still sitting in my bed listening to music, he looked so good there just doing absolutely nothing.

"Stare much?" Calum said with smirk and I chuckled as I climbed back into bed. "Ava?" Calum asked. I turned my body facing him and putting down my phone. "Yes?" I answered.

"Do you want to come with guys and I to Australia for Christmas?" Calum seemed hopeful in the tone of his voice. I said no to Maya so I don't know how that will go over with them. "Who would I stay with?" I asked a question back. "Whoever you want." Calum grabbed my hand and it made me melt.

If I stay with anyone but Calum everything will be fine but If stay with Calum I could have a great time and not be so lonely. "I'll go and stay with Luke." I answered and Calum's face had a disappointed look on it. "That doesn't mean we can't meet up." I added to my first comment.

Again what am I getting myself into? I texted Kat and Maya

A: Hey, Luke wants me to go to Australia with him and the boys for Christmas. I think I'm going...


M: Wish I could go. WAIT...who will you be staying with???

A: Luke probably

K: Christmas with the hemmings!

M: Hmmm okay.

"Alright I texted Maya and Kat so they know no one will be here in LA for Christmas. When are we leaving?" I told Calum.

"We are leaving on December 6th." Calum said as he started gathering his luggage heading down the hall. "You're leaving?" I quizzed him. It broke my heart a little seeing him get ready to leave.

"Yeah the guys are heading to my place so I need to be there before they get to my house. Don't worry they are going to invite you over to talk about Australia. Bye baby." Calum said as he kissed my lips before walking out the door.

I made my bed to be productive before sitting on my ass doing nothing until they text me to hangout.

Maybe I should take this time to listen to their music since no one is here to bothering me as I cry my eyes out. I turn on the Youngblood before I move on to CALM.

I couldn't believe how wonderful the albums were even though they are about the boys and their pain with failed love.

I still liked that Calum still thought about me when we weren't talking. I wasn't the only fool still yearning for the other person.

L: Come to Calum's! We want to see our favorite girl!

I smiled and rushed out the door to my car. I sped over to Calum's, I didn't even look it up for directions like I do with the others. It was all muscle memory.

When I drove to his house my heart started to race because I don't know if one of other boys knowing what happened last night.

"SHE'S HERE!" Michael yells as he opened the front. "Mike!" I scream as he engulfs me in a hug, then 3 other guys pile into the hug. I miss them so much. "Hi guys, you're crushing me." I squeak out and they broke up the hug.

Ashton hugged me then Luke "So why am I here ?" I try to seem clueless like Calum didn't tell me.

"Well Kat told us that you were to be alone for the holidays so we want you to Sydney with us. No one should alone during Christmas." Luke explained and I nodded yes. They all cheered like little kids and then hugged me again. "You'll be staying with me." Luke added "I'm good with that." I said.

We sat in the living and Calum and Michael decided to play on the playstation. I went to the kitchen to get some water and give my ears a break from all the screaming they were doing.

Ashton walks in the kitchen and sits next me on the counter. "Calum told me what happened last night." Ashton surprised me and making me almost choke on my water. "What did he say?" I worried and felt my stomach knot, like of course he said something to someone.

"He said that he showed up and you guys have been having long talks." Ashton defended Calum. "and that you guys still have feelings each other."

Goodnight n Go 🖤 Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now