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"Calum." I awoke to Kat leaning over me, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. I haven't left the apartment since we got back from the hospital. "You need to get ready, we have a group session with Ava in an hour." Kat said before going into the kitchen. My back ached from sleeping on the couch for almost a week. I opened my luggage from what was packed for the Australia trip. I looked at my phone and it was Christmas day. I texted my family Merry Christmas and that I love them.

I jumped in the shower to freshen up before leaving for the hospital. Ava's doctor thought it would be helpful for everyone to have a session let feelings about what has happened. I know today everyone is going to have a blaming session and pin it all on. Which is fair.

"You ready?" Maya asked as I entered the hallway from the bathroom. I nodded. My heart was sinking every second that went by in the car ride. We pulled into the parking lot and the guys were there waiting in Michaels car. I could see paparazzi on the other side of the parking lot. "What vultures!" Kat growled as we all exited the car. "Let's get in there fast so the less pictures they have." Ashton led us in, Kat went the reception area and talked to them. I started to pace back and forth until a doctor came to take us to the therapy room.

The door opened to my baby sitting in a chair wearing scrubs with her wavy hair down. Her dark chocolate eyes met mine and she gave a forced smile. "Please have a seat everyone. I am Dr. Hopkins, Ava's psychiatrist today we are having a group therapy with everyone there the night of Ava's accident." the psychiatrist said as she closed the door to the room, I ended the farthest away from Ava. I didn't take my eyes off of her.

"Anyone can go first but no talking over each other." Dr. Hopkins gave us the floor. We all sat there with our arms crossed waiting for one of us to say something. "I love to see Ava getting better." Ashton perks up and Ava smiles at him. "Yeah! I think we all want the best for you, Ava." Michael adds the conversation. "It is nice to see that Ava has great support from her friends." Dr. Hopkins notes in her journal. "Who was the one who brought Ava in their arms?" She looks down the line and I raised my hand. "and you must be Calum. You were the guy who sat in the waiting for 3 days with blood all over him." Dr. Hopkins reminded me. "Yes." I cleared my throat. "Why did you keep the blood on you?" she asked.

My eyes looked at Ava who was holding Maya's hand. "I couldn't bring myself to wash away Ava. I thought it was the last thing I had of her...I thought I lost her." I felt the tears to well up and I blinked them away. "You felt guilty and thought it was the only thing that made you feel close to her." Dr.Hopkins summed up my words and I nodded not breaking eye contact with Ava.

"You should feel guilty." Kat mutters, "Yeah I fucking do Kat. I am a piece shit for what I did and I have to live with this image of my babygirl bleeding in my arms saying that she is not enough for anyone and that I don't love her, IT HAUNTS MY DREAMS." I yell, everyone was taken back and Ava flinched at me as I raised my voice.

"Ava baby I am so very sorry and please give me an answer if you want me in your life or not. I'll leave you if you want. Please..." I cry out to her across the room. Ava lets go of Maya's hand and walks to me. Her arms are bare of bandages and I can see the scars on her arms. "I want you in my life and I want to be yours. Now Kat and Maya he has proved he is sorry and if I can forgive then you can too." Ava turns towards them. "You're kidding?" Maya spats. "I'm serious. I am so tired of everyone blaming the other person. My attempt was building up since I was young and no one would ever ask me how I'm doing. I was the one who had to be chill and have no problems. I had to put on an act. Calum's cheating was push over the edge and I pushed myself further." Ava lectures them. They shot me a look before looking back at Ava. "My mental health is my own thing and doesn't have to deal with anyone but myself. Is that clear?" Ava asked everyone. "Yes ma'am." everyone answers.

"Ava has said what she wanted to everyone. Calum can you stay back while the others leave the room?" Dr.Hopkins announces, I stay in my seat while everyone gets up and leaves the room. The shuts and Ava sits next to me. "Ava, read what you wrote for Calum." she hands Ava a folded paper. "Calum...I have done a lot of thinking about you and I while being in here trying to get better for myself. I love you so much and seeing you that day with blood staining your clothing I saw that a husband in you...and all I wanted was to forgive you but I knew I needed to work through my shit before I could. My stay here with Dr.Hopkins was eye opening. You may feel like you shouldn't forgiven but I do forgive you for you being stupid and drunk but I do expect you to make up for what you did. Calum Hood I am in love with you and admire you for what you did for me the night I was found by Kat and Maya. You didn't have to come here when I did but you stayed and didn't even go home to shower...which is little gross." Ava smirks and I chuckle out. "You showed that you'll always be here for me. Thank you." Ava finished reading and looks up at me while tears streaming down her face.

"I will make sure that every day I make it up to you." I said as I held her hands. "Ava, that was beautiful. I'm really proud of how much you have grown and worked through everything." Dr.Hopkins pats Ava on the back. "I can't believe this was my last session. Thank you Dr.Hopkins." Ava gives her a side hug. "Alright I'll bring in everyone to wrap up the session." Dr.Hopkins opens the door everyone to walk in and sit back down. "I hope today you see that Ava isn't a fragile thing for being here. I am going to discharge Miss Cisneros and she can go home today." Dr.Hopkins finished writing her notes, we followed her out and Ava had fill out papers to leave the hospital.

We went to wait outside for Ava to come out of the hospital. "I hope cries haunt you forever." Kat hissed as she walked past me. I shrugged her off and waited for Ava to appear. The doors as Ava walked through them, before I knew it I felt my body run towards and pick her up and twirls us around. "Oh my baby." I breathe in her scent. Ava wraps her legs around my waist and holds on. She begins to laugh. "Ew is that paparazzi?" Ava asked as I hoist her my side and I nodded. "What vultures." Ava laughs out. "That's exactly what I said!" Kat plays along. Ava laughs even more. I put Ava down so she can hug everyone. The guys practically pile on her "Guys again!" Ava yelps and they back off. "Sorry Ava we are just so happy to you have back." Luke said as he gives her gentle hug. "Ahh c'mere you guys." Ava invites another hug from them. "Our favorite girl." Ashton sings out to Ava. Ava looks at me through the group hug and I smiled.

Goodnight n Go 🖤 Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now