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It is now about 2 weeks before Christmas and I need to get gifts for his family. "Calum I'm leaving with the girls to finish up gift shopping. I'll see you later." I kissed his cheek and headed out the door to the uber taking me to Ashton's house to meet KayKay and the girls. When I pull up the Ash's house I see Ashton kicking around the ball with his brother. He waves me over "Ava!" Ashton gives me a hug. "Hi Ash!" I hug him back "Hi Harry." I smile at his brother, "Hi Ava." Harry greets back. KayKay walks out "Quit hogging Ava, Ash." KayKay jokes, she takes me into the house where the others were. Crystal ordered a car to come take us shopping

"Okay I need to get gifts for Mali, Joy and David." I said as we walk into a jewelers for them. I found earrings for Mali, a watch for David and a necklace with matching earrings for Joy. "Oh look at this ring!" Sierra pointed out and we leaned over the glass case and look at it. "That's beautiful." I gasped, Sierra nudged me "Girl try it on." She encourages me and I laughed a little.

I asked to see the ring and it was in my size. "Wow it looks so good." I said as I looked at it. "Wow that's a rock." KayKay glances over my shoulder. "Joy talked about Calum and I getting married." I said still looking at it. "She must loves you a lot." Crystal stands next to me. "She tells me that a lot. Calum and I got in a fight last night though." I frown then I took the ring off and gave it back before we left.

"What did he say?" Sierra asks as we walk out, "He said that we are so young and I agree with that but I asked him if he even sees me in his future. Calum said yes then we started spilling our fears to each other. We ended up on the same page." I summed up everything about last night. "And what is that?" Crystal wondered, "We will get eventually get married." I kept my head down because the I am still upset over our fight.

KayKay puts her arm around as we walked trying to make me feel better. "That's great that you two are on the same page." KayKay cheers me up. "I heard that you and Calum are staying somewhere else for Christmas." Sierra gossiped. I chuckled to myself "Yeah he got tired of being under his mom's roof pretty quick." I stated as we entered another store to shop around in.

- -

I got dropped off back our place just before having to leave for dinner at Joy's. "I was getting worried about you." Calum brings me in his arms. I smiled at him "I was with the girls. We ended shopping early and sat around talking." Calum kisses the top of my head. We soon left for dinner.

Joy had dinner all ready by the time we got to the house. "Mali has plans tonight so it's going to be us tonight." Joy says as she serves us our plates then sits down after getting her plate ready. "What are you guys doing for New Years?" David asks while cutting his steak, I look to Calum for an answer because I don't know what the plan is after Christmas.

"All of us are going back to the states. Luke is thinking of throwing a party when we get back." Calum tells the plan, I nodded "I'm going to miss you kids when you leave. When are you leaving?" David questions again, "I know that we are leaving December 30th so we are back in the states a couple days before New Years." I told them as I took a sip of my wine. Joy hasn't stopped smiling since we sat for dinner. "I'm very excited for Christmas. We will all be together and have so much fun." Joy interjects and I agreed with her.

"This is going to be the first Christmas in years I won't be celebrating by myself." I said as I held Calum's hand on the table. Dinner was done and we sat around the table telling stories about Calum just to poke fun of him. "I didn't come here to get attacked by my family and girlfriend." Calum jokes, he looks at me in the eyes. His eyes filled with love. I knew what he was thinking. He wanted this moment to last forever. "It's our job as parents to embarrass you,son." David laughs out Calum rolls his eyes.

"You kids drive safe." Joy said from the door with David behind her waving at us driving off. "I can't get used to you being in the family." Calum said taking my hand into his. I giggled as I felt myself blush at his words. We made it home and Calum was in a rush to get the bedroom. I shook my head at his eagerness. Calum had music playing through the house, it was obviously my playlist he made for me because She by Harry Styles was playing.

I enter the bedroom to Calum sitting on the edge of the bed. "We are going on a date tomorrow. I bought you an outfit for it so I wanted to give it to you tonight." Calum hands me a gift bag, I pull out black dress with bell sleeves that went down to my mid thigh with black heels. "Oh Calum. I love it! Very Morticia Addams." I gave him a hug. "Thank you." I thanked him before hanging it up. "There's a another part of the outfit." Calum gives me a box with ribbon. He smirks giving it what it's inside away. Black lace lingerie set with garters, "Its beautiful Cal." I kissed him.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" I ask as I start undress and putting on one of his shirts and shorts. Calum undresses too and climbs into bed. "That is a secret." Calum smirks as he watches me get ready for bed. "Oh great. What does Mister Calum Thomas Hood have planned out?" I chuckle then slide in to bed next to him. "Goodnight, baby." Calum kisses me goodnight. "Goodnight."

Goodnight n Go 🖤 Calum Hood Where stories live. Discover now