Chapt3r Thr33 - Caleb's Pov

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I woke up early before my dad. I sit on my bed and hold my head. Still got headache from yesterday, I groaned and went to get ready for school.

I check my father and just as I thought, still sleeping. I went to check on my sister but there's a knock on the door. Curious, I look out the window to see who it was.

A mail man... Holding a parcel?

I open the door and greet the mail man. He hand me the parcel and told me to have a good day. He walk away and continue handing people their letter or stuff.

Closing the door behind me, I walk to the couch and put down the parcel. I stare at it for a few minutes but then someone took it immediately. My eyes widened at the person, who turn out to be my father. He looks so terrified and nervous. He look everywhere but me, he didn't even say good morning or something.

"Good morning, dad?" I say and he startled. Something's is wrong...

"G-good morning son- I uhh-" he stuttered.

I look at him confused and raised one of my eyebrows. "Dad... What's that?" I ask about the parcel.

He scratched his head and I know he is hiding something from me, cuz he always scratched his head if he's lying or hiding something. He open his mouth to answer but close them again. Probably trying to find an excuse or lies to tell me.

"Dad, tell me what's in the box."

"It's nothing! Really!"

"I don't think it's nothing, dad. Just tell me what is it and I'll leave it be, please."

"NO! i-i'm telling you it's nothing!! You don't have to worry about it-"

"DAD! Just FUCKING TELL ME!" my anger from yesterday just add to my fuel.

I slap my mouth after that words come out. We were both shook at the sudden swear. I... I never swear in front of him... His expression hurts me, he was scared...

"D-dad... I-i'm sorry- I d-didn't mean to-"

"Dad, brother?" a girl voice came from behind me.

I look behind and saw my still-sleepy sister. She was rubbing her eyes while looking at me and dad. I duck my head, still feel hurt from the words I just say to my dad.

"I-... I'm going to school now..." I say walking up the stairs, into my room and took my bag. I walked down the stairs without looking at my dad and I know... He is terrified at me.

Just as I was about to leave, my father called me. "Y-you're going without b-breakfast?? How ab-about lunch?" I didn't look at my father, but I shook my head no.

"We're not going to school together?" Callie spoke behind me and hold my hand. I look at her and my dad, who is now frowning.

"Not today, sis... Not today." then I left the house, walking to my school. I gotta find a way to make it up to my dad. He'll be miserable and it will for sure break my heart, knowing fucking well it was my fault...

* *

The school isn't really helping me, in fact... Worse than before. I hold my head, headache...

"Caleb? Are you okay?" the teacher ask me. I look at her and around me, apparently everyone have been watching me the whole class. "If you're not, you can go to the school nurse or somewhere that will make you feel better" she gave me a reassuring smile.

I nod and leave the class after saying thank you to her. I know I should go to the school nurse, but instead, I went to the trees behind the school.

I sat near the trees and suddenly I was struck with alot of bad thoughts. My head started pounding and I got a horrible headache. I hold my head and grunt. What is going on-

The headache was getting stronger and harder- I fell to the ground but still holding my head.

Then darkness consume my vision, and who knows what happened.

* *

I don't know how long I passed out, but the skies was already dark. I sit quickly and look at my watch. Yes, I have a watch, did I forgot to mention? Oh well.

7:57 pm, my watch show the time now. I swear in my breath and stood up to run to my locker, but quickly lean to the trees because my head was still hurting. I grunt and proceeded to run to my locker anyway.

I took my bag and started running to my house now. In the middle of my running, my phone vibrated. I took it out of my pocket and, oh my gosh...

103 missed call from Dad 💖
122 messages from Dad 💖

My eyes widened at the notification on my phone. Holy shit- did I really passed out the whole times-

My phone vibrated again displaying 'Dad 💖 is calling...' and I answered it.

"C-caleb?? Is t-that you? P-please tell me y-you're okay??" I hear my dad voice shaking, and it break my heart.

"Yes dad, I'm okay" I said, trying not to sounds hurt.

"CALEB!! OH MY GOSH!! YOU'RE OKAY- The teacher said that you didn't attend any of the class except your first class, but that was only for few minutes- where are you?" my dad finish with a little sigh.

"I-... I think I... Passed out due to... Uhhh- horrible headache, I suppose?" I explained. I heard a gasp from the other line. I started walking to my house while my father try explaining and reassure me that everyone has been looking everywhere for me. Damn, didn't they check behind the school? How did they not find me...

* *

Back home was a little hard, my father started hugging me, while crying and sobbing. I tried convince him that it isn't his fault I passed out. He did calm down, but still a little to weak to stand up. I help him walk to his room and he sleep instantly as I placed him on his bed.

I close his room door and went downstairs. My stomach was grumbling. Hey, I didn't eat breakfast and lunch for one day okay? It's my first time doing that-

Anyway, I walked in the kitchen and almost scream my lungs out. Geez- my sister should really stop eating cookies in the middle of the night.

In the middle of the night? Well, I kinda stop at a store for a while to buy a little snacks- and yeah-

She looks at me and say something like "Hi..." or is it "Cookies..." I don't know, I wasn't paying attention-

We talk at the couch after I take a bread and a jam for it. She was happy that I'm finally back. We talk about school but she's the only one who keeps talking, cuz you know, I passed out the whole day-

She suddenly gasp, "Oh yeah! I have something to show you brother! I made it at my classes today!!" and then she ran to her room and grab a box.

"Okay, what is it?" I watched her as she settled down. She open the box top. In there was a whole bunch of building made out of boxes. You could say, she's going to be an amazing artist or creator in the future.

She took something out and I watch it in awe. It's our house... Probably a tiny house. It was made out of boxes and clay, mixing together. It was amazing. I couldn't stop looking at it, it is magnificent! Who know an 8 years old could do this thing-

"It's our house!! But tiny. Do you like it?" she said and I was still watching it in awe. Holy shit this is amazing-

"I LOVE IT- i-i mean, I love it" I yell but slap my mouth, but now talking in whisper. Her smile brighter than before and clap her hand. She was happy and it warms my heart.


A/n: Heyya, sorry for not posting yesterday, I was kinda busy supporting other author's story. Also, I was having a horrible headache while writing this and I accidentally write it here- don't worry, I didn't passed out like Caleb did, I just take a break for a while and continue writing this.

Anyway, if you like this story, feel free to vote! Only if you like it, I don't force :3

See you at the next chapter, Bye!

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