Chapt3r F0ur - Jackson's Pov

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Wednesday morning. (a/n: It's the next day of the last chapter-) I woke up with the sounds of a screaming children. Can't I have a normal morning for ONCE-

I groan and sit on my bed. "CAN YOU GUYS KEEP IT DOWN!" I yell from my room and everything went silent. "Can't I just got some silent morning!!"

I huffed and get out of my room. I look over the living room from the second floor. Everyone was whispering and talk slowly.

Yawning, I went to take a shower. I strip my body and went inside the shower. I turn on the shower to medium temperature, you know, it's cold but hot? Nah, you get it.

I was washing my head when he came to my mind. Caleb. What happen to him? Why did he disappeared? Wait, WHY DO I CARE- WHY AM I THINKING ABOUT HIM?! I didn't realize my face was red. What the fuck is happening to my head??

After the weird shower, I put my towel around my waist and went to my room. Locking the door, I went straight to my wardrobe. I put on my red Shirt with "Go Go Dilan" on it. Why? Well, I DON'T FUCKING KNOW- I also put on a black jeans.

I look at myself in the mirror. Wot? Why am I wearing this? When do I even have this- wth-

I sigh and walked out of my room after grabbing my bag. I walk downstairs and everyone was, Silent. Raising one eyebrow, I asked "Why is it quiet today?" no one answered. "Guys?"

My father cough, "Um, well... We decided to stay quiet since you were woken up by us-"

"Really?" I say with angry tone. I sigh. There's no point asking them much more. "I'll have to go now, you two, are going with dad" I says to them as I walked to the garage.

"Yes!" not happy, but like, soldier yes? I don't know man, it's really weird today.

First, I was woke up by loud conversation. Second, I thought about Him. And third, It's SO QUIET TODAY-

Is this my doom day? Why so soon? I haven't even kiss a girl yet dammit- I open the door garage and drive to my school.

While driving, I turn on the radio and Roses Was Red by Jon Caryl was playing.

Hm, nice music... Finally some nice songs. The music end after I parked my car. There were some teenagers passing my car, laughing and talking. I look at them while smiling, until I saw this lonely boy who I never seen before. Is it a new student? Or do he just never showed himself? I brush it off and walk to the school.

I open the door with phone in my hand. I was texting Fendrick about yesterday, telling him all about my day.

"JAAAAACKKKKKKYYYY" A loud annoying voice was echoing in the hall. I look over and sees two person running, one girl one boy. Huh?

Until I figured who those is, they both jump on me making me fall to the hard ground causing my butt to hurt.



Dilan and Linda was whining on top of me. "BRO- WHAT IS IT?!" I yelled at them.

Luke and Fendrick soon came in the scene, Luke probably recording, and Fendrick just watch while smiling.

"Luke.... Please Help Meeeeee, I'm being devour by two Bithches" I pull my arms to him.

Soon getting hit by Dilan and Linda. "Ow OW!! STOP- HEY-"

"How. Dare. You. Call. Us. Bitches." getting hit after every words. "OW- okay stop- I'm sorry!" I yelled. We were probably making a scene but I don't really care. This is quite fun to start my day.

Both of them stand up and then pout. Why do they act like a twins even tho they are not even related.

"Oi, you two going to help me or you're going to pout all day" I says while crossing my hands around my chest.

Fendrick help me get up while the two of them, still pouting. I thank him and he just nodded. "Alright, what did I do?" I asked Dilan and Linda. Luke finally putting away his phone and crossed his hand.

"You didn't came to school yesterday, Hmph!" Linda spoke

"But I already told Dilan I woke up late and I have to deal with my siblings." I says confused.

"Hmph!" they both hmph-ping loudly.

"what..." I was dumbfounded.

"They were angry because you didn't go to school, I don't know" Luke spoke and Fendrick nod.

"...what..." I look at Luke with a dumbfounded face.

They shrugged and I hit both Dilan and Linda's head, then took off running.

As I was running, I stopped a little while to take a breath. I look over the crowded place, he was there.

Caleb was nodding and shaking his head to maybe a question. He look frustrated.


A shoe hit my head from behind. I look behind and it completely scares me. Luke and Dilan with some scary Aura around them. Oh no, it is my doom day after all.

"H-hey, let's talk about this and forget that ever happened aye?" I says trying not to add more to their fuel while backing away slowly.

"No no no, you're gonna die for doing that" Luke then spoke.

"...haha, very funny... Uhm... BYE!-" I screamed and ran off getting chased by two Beast now.

Oh god... A new way to start my day isn't it?

A/n: Hey hey! I'm back, dunno if people read this or just ignore it. But, I am trying to continue writing my story. Trying to post often, you know. But Eh, I'm probably gonna stop midway again and completely forgot about it- who knows?

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See you in the next chapter, BYE!

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