Chapter Three - pyramid and evaluation

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I walk into the studio, giddy and a little nervous. I stand next to Lilly, who I guess is also new, since I haven't seen her on the show before.

Maddie (z)
Brooke Chloe Paige
Mackenzie Nia Kendall
Ellie Lilly Maddie (t)

Abby comes in, and rips off the first piece of paper. "On the bottom, is Maddie T. You're new, and you've only been dancing here for two months, so you're on probation. Also, happy third season everyone, now, next on the pyramid, Lilly. You've been dancing here since you were two, but didn't place at Nationals last year, and this is your first time competing as a member of the team, not as a guest, so you and Ellie," she rips off the final paper on the bottom, "are on probation. Ellie, you got third at Nationals last year, and like I said to Lilly, you've never been a member of the team."

I remember watching last years Nationals. I remember competing. That was fun. I had an acro/hip hop solo called "Boss." (costume above)

"Middle row, Kendall, and Nia, you had a duet, and you got second! Second place is first to lose. Mackenzie, you also got second, but in your solo. You lost to some snobby rich nobody from BHDA!"

(Beverly Hills Dance Academy is where Maddie *t used to dance)

I start sniffling, and I can't help it. I can feel the tears in my eyes and my mom comes and gives me a hug and my inhaler, just in case.

"Save the tears for your pillow! Why are you crying anyways?" Abby shouts. Uh oh.

"That ... snobby rich ... nobody.." I blubber, trying to get the words out. "Was me, Ms.Abby"

Abby just rolls her eyes and continues pyramid.

"Oh joy, another Kendall. I just hope this one doesn't have an issue with props. Ok next on the pyramid, Paige. I gave you a chance to prove yourself, you had a small solo part in the group dance and performed in a trio with Maddie and Chloe. The trio placed first, but you slipped on your aerial in the group. Luckily you were supposed to go down on your knees anyways, and we still managed to get first. Next we have Chloe. First place trio, second place solo, fell out of your turns, didn't have a good turn out on those fouettés, blah blah blah, Brooke. You got first in the teen division, but you held your needle for one second too long, which was very impressive, but caused you to miss a step. And on top, as usual, the old Maddie. First place solo, first place group, first place trio."

In a private with Abby

Abby comes into studio B as I am warming up, working on my oversplit. She looks around for a minute, before leaning down and whispering, "I'm sorry about earlier. The producers said I had to treat you like rich kid scum until you're off probation. Just know that I think you were much better than Mackenzie, and hip hop doesn't always beat lyrical."

She has me go up on pointe, to see what I can do, and I easily do 25 fouettés before I feel my supporting leg get shaky and land gracefully in fifth position.

"I'm impressed. I saw you getting a little shaky on the 23rd one, but those were good. I've never seen Maddie do that many." She whispers, and then winks at me and shouts, "Learn to land before you get shaky! Then you might actually have a chance of placing in the top ten!"

Next we work on a standing back tuck, which I already have, but I hop a little when I land, so we work on sticking it on a tumble track.

After my private, we go back into studio A for assignments. "We have two groups and three solos this week. Since there are ten of you we will usually either have one group dance with some of you or split you up and do two. Plus then I'll have group wins in two different categories. So, this weeks group number 1, is my two Maddies, old and new, Brooke, Kendall, and Ellie. You have a lyrical routine entitled "phobias". Ellie and the new Maddie are the leads.

Group two, Nia Chloe Paige Kenzie and Lilly, a hip hop routine entitled "underdogs".

Maddie Maddie and Mackenzie all have solos.

Mackenzie you have an acro dance entitled "lemonade" it's one you already learned.

Maddie Z you have a lyrical solo, entitled "it's over". Is your reign over? Is it time for someone new? Prove to me that you aren't letting someone 2 years younger replace you.

Maddie T, you have a ballet solo entitled, the replacement. You will be going en pointe for this so the entire week I'll have you taking extra pointe classes. This solo will be legendary. The first pointe dance the junior team has ever competed. So yeah, no pressure. Moms you're dismissed. Group one in here with me, group two in Studio C with Gianna."

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