Chapter Six - Beanbag chairs and Google Classroom

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After hearing what we are doing for our solos, we all head down across the street to where we do homeschool.

I thought the outside was cool, with its floor to ceiling windows and just overall  epic design, but the inside is like a giant playground. There are hammocks, a rock wall, and a jungle gym. There are two inflatable couches with huge fluffy pillows, and spinning office chairs, and a mini fridge with soda and fruit.

I take a seat on a soft penguin bean bag chair from Pottery Barn Kids. I take out my gold MacBook Air and sign in to Google Classroom.

After about 15 minutes of trying to figure out how to pronounce syllable I go to Brooke for help. She is sitting on one of the couches with Chloe and Paige, who are also reading.

They are in fourth grade, I think, and are reading a book called "The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane."

I can't pronounce any of those words. Brooke teaches me some tricks and I'm finished with reading comprehension, whatever that means, in no time.

I soon move onto math, and after just two hours of school, we are done. Abby asks Lilly and Ellie back for their solos, since we have an hour until lunch.

The rest of us take a run at an obstacle course Nia and Maddie set up. I run with Mackenzie, since we are the two youngest. We hop onto couches and flip onto bean bags. I beat her to the top of the rock wall, but she gets down the zip line faster. In the end, we tie.

Text between Maddie(T) and her mom

Maddie: hey mom i was wondering if the girls can come sleep over tonight?

Mom: sure honey I'll text their moms also I know you are texting but please capitalize your I's

Maddie: this is what i get for having an english teacher for a mother lol

Mom: what does lol mean again?


I turn my phone off and put it in my dance bag.

"Hey guys," everyone turns to look at me. I don't know why I am nervous, maybe because I have never been to any of their houses and they haven't been to mine. "I was wondering if you guys wanted to sleep over tonight?"

"Yeah! Dance Moms party!" Kendall shouts.

Everyone starts texting or calling their moms, and we instantly receive nine yes's.

We then head out to The Grove, which may be the best mall in all of California.

We go to Cheesecake Factory, and then the American Girl store.

Lilly and Ellie get matching fur coats for their dolls.

Lilly and Ellie get matching fur coats for their dolls

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Mackenzie gets an orange tabby cat.

Mackenzie gets an orange tabby cat

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