Hidden Beauty

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 Prologue: Giving into the Darkness 

Crash! What the! I turn to the clock blinking away the sleep that just started to settle. 3:13 in the morning! I grab my gun from the nightstand, waking me up this early someones getting shot. I walk out into my living room where the rustling is coming from. I turn on the light to and point my gun at the people. Two people, a man and a woman dirty, clothes ripped and dirt covered. Homeless. They stare at me with scared eyes. They fidget but try to hide it. The twitching gives it away. Crackheads. I glare, no one steals from me. I pull back the hammer and hear the click ready to shoot but then... i hear it .. the whimper.

I turn and see a girl . . maybe two or three years old cowering in the corner. Clothes the same as the man and woman. Dirty and torn. Her long black hair tangled covering her face. She peaks at me through it showing her beautiful soft brown eyes. So small . . . so innocent.

"What are you here for?" i ask looking back at the couple.

"People told us you are the one to go to if we need a fix" replies the woman stuttering over her words. I notice how her eyes look distant like shes already far gone.

"So you thought you would just come in here and steal from me or that i would just give it to you" i reply snidely pointing the gun back at her.

"no no sir we are sorry" replies the man stepping in front of her. His eyes are more focused then the woman's . . cleaner.

"What will you give me?" i ask smiling.

"Anything. Please anything!" the woman begs stepping in front of the man and looking at me like i'm going to give her heaven. I didn't hesitate.

"I want her" i point at the little girl.

"yes yes go ahead she's just dead weight yes take her" the woman replies smiling her eyes gleaming knowing her fix is coming.

"What no, no you cant!" he argues his eyes seem to be clearing.

I just smirk and walk back to my room. Taking off the key around my neck and unlocking the special drawer. I pull out a eight ball and a shot of surprise, i smile as i walk out. I hear them arguing as i walk closer. As i step in the mans jaw is clenched and looks very angry and more sober, better fix that. I act quickly and inject in his arm heroin laced with a creation of my own. Knocks you off your feet for hours. The man blinks as it rushes through his veins. The woman grins as i give her the eight ball.

"Take her take her go ahead, we will be on our way thank you thank you" she rushes out. I smile.

"Pleasure doing business with you" I nod as soon as their out of the house i close the door and turn to face my prize. I squat.

"Come here . . . its okay . . come here beautiful" i say smiling. She slowly walks to me taking baby steps.

"Whats your name?" i ask

"Nadia" she stutters tears rolling down. Her voice so sweet.

"Shh its okay Nadia .. what a beautiful name" i coo as i hold her. She clings to me. What she doesnt know is that she just got given to her living very own nightmare.

Hidden Beauty(ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ