Chapter 65

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Kamaro had just got back from Los Angeles he was there on business with Saweetie she was dropping a new video and he did her hair and makeup on set. It was beautiful out west but he was glad to be home he kicked off his shoes and decided to take a nap before he had to meet up with Aiko to get her things from her old house she shared with Que. Aiko was gonna be staying with him until she found a new place, occasionally she'd stay with Grim but she wasn't talking to him right now.

Aiko and Kam pulled up to her old house and seen Que's car outside "I really don't wanna go inside there" she rolled her eyes she hadn't seen Que since that night he hit her because he got caught cheating "Why, I know you not scared of this nigga cause now I'm here he could fight ME a grown ass man" he tilted his head to the side.

She walked up to the door with Kam right behind her, and knocked lightly Que opened the door letting them in "Hey wassup up beautiful" he smiled and she turned her face up in disgust "Save all the small talk we here for her stuff" Kam said grabbing 2 boxes off the table "So what he speaking for you now?" Que questioned following her take some boxes to the car she didn't say a word. Once all her boxes were in the car she turned to him "Goodbye Quincy take care" she waved he grabbed her arm she flinched "So that's it, I don't get to explain myself" he said with a regretful look "Nigga get ya hands off her explain why you like putting your hands on females, how about that" Kam said helping her in the car and Que just stood there watching them drive away.

Sevyn and Amari were in the car on the way to meet David for a cake tasting they argued the whole way over to the bakery because he wanted chocolate cake on the inside and she wanted plain white. "So you mad at me now, you not talking to me?" She asked him while rubbing the side of his face he didn't say anything "Papa, Daddy is being mean to Mommy" she looked back at Sin pouting "Daddy no nice" Sin said folding his little arms across his chest. "I'm sorry Sin Daddy will stop being mean" he looked at the road in front of him

When they got to the bakery David greeted them as they got comfortable taking a seat at the table "Look at this little handsome guy, he looks just like Dad" David pinched Sincere's cheek and he smiled big showing his dimples. "I see my groom is not happy today, what's going on" David looked at Sevyn and she shrugged "he's mad at me because I want a plain white cake" she said looking at him sit there with a blank stare. "Idc anymore" he shrugged wiping Sin's hands and mouth. "How about I make both you guys happy, let's try the marble cake" David clapped his hands standing up motioning for the baker to bring in the samples. They both tried the cake and loved it "So can we agree on the marble cake" Amari asked feeding Sin a piece of cake. "Okay I can agree to this" she smiled and he kissed her "There's the love I'm looking for" David smiled and turned to Sevyn "Your dress is coming in this week so we need to set up a fitting" he said excitedly and she squealed

Hours later.....

Amari was laying on the couch watching sports center when Sevyn came out the kitchen and plopped on top of him grabbing the remote to change the channel "why you do that, you seen me watching TV" he looked at her and smacked his lips  "I wanna watch horror movies" she smiled big "all the TVs in here you wanna watch it on the one I'm watching" he turned up his face "I just wanna lay with you babe, but if you not in the mood" she got up and started walking to the bedroom

"Sevyn come here man" Amari sat up and called out for her she walked back standing in front of him "yes" she said lowly "Come lay down let's watch these movies before Sin come out here and take over" he reached for her hand pulling her on top of him. She smiled and laid down wrapping her arms around him, she fell asleep right there on his chest while he was watching the movie and playing in her hair. The bell rang and he tried to get up but Sevyn held him tighter "Baby I gotta get the door" he moved her to the side to get up, he walked to the door yelled "who is it" before looking through the peephole "Richard" the man yelled and Amari still didn't know who this man was.

He opened the door for the man "who?" Amari questioned looking at the man "Richard Sevyn's father, you must be Amari" The man said with a smile. He let him in the door and walked in the living room "Baby you got company" Amari tapped her thigh she stretched and sat up seeing her father "why are you here you should've called" her whole demeanor changed "I wanted to see my babygirl and talk" Richard said and Sincere came running out their bedroom covered in shea butter "Mommy look" he smiled rubbing it in "Is that my grandson" Richard stood up smiling walking towards him Amari saw Sevyn's look of disgust and picked up Sincere "Baby I'ma go put him in a bubble bath" he kissed her lips before walking off with Sincere giggling like crazy in his arms

"You really shouldn't be here you signed over your parental rights years ago" Sevyn tilted her head to the side while folding her arms across her chest "I did what I thought was best" Richard slightly raised his voice "What you thought was best? You signed over your rights just to play house with your mistress and raise kids with her but denied me even after my mother had you take a DNA test" she looked at him in disgust

"Sevyn you need to grow up that's the past, if your mother can forgive me why can't you?" Deep down he knew why but pushed it to the back of his mind. Richard reached for arm and she snatched away. Amari walked out the bathroom to check on her and she was visibly upset "Aye fam you gotta go, you upsetting my wife" He said to Richard walking him to the door and slamming it behind him. He walked over to Sevyn hugging her tight and kissing her forehead

"You good, wanna talk about it" he rubbed her back "No thank you I'm fine baby" she buried her head in his chest he figured when she was ready to talk about the situation she would "I'ma beat ya bad ass son too" he tried to lighten the mood "So now he only my son" she laughed walking to the bathroom to check on Sincere

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