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hope y'all read this in the right order smh 🙄

hope y'all read this in the right order smh 🙄

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3:00 PM
Somewhere in Tokyo


"Hey Suna. What's up?"

"I was playing CS before but it went like shit so I quit. What about you?"

"I'm stuck in a fucking traffic jam and I should be back at the café by now!"

"Woah woah. Is there a crash or something?"

"Ugh I have no idea. I've been stuck for hours and it doesn't look like I'll get away from here."

"Yikes. Well I can entertain you while you wait."

"Yes please."

"Turn on your camera."

"Uhh sure."

You quickly tap on the camera to reveal him in his bed with ruffled hair.


"Osu." You say and smile at his tired face.

"What music do you like?"

"Uhm, I like Saint Motel, Fall Out Boy... (Favourite band/artists). What about you?"

"I like a little bit of all. Let me turn on a song."

He fiddles with something besides him and soon enough a song emerges from the phone. Since your phone is connected to the car's system the song emerges through the car too.

You smile at and tap your fingers to the beat. He sees your mouth turning from a frown to a smile and he can't help but copy.

"Do you like it?"


He sings a bit of the song with you and continue to sing until you're finally moving again.

"Thanks for talking with me. I think I would've gone insane of boredom if you weren't here to save me, hehe."

"No worries. I was the one asking, lol. Anyways good luck and... I'll hear from you?"


"Hehe... great. Uhhh, bye L/n."


You end the call and return your focus to the slowly moving road. The cars are finally beginning to speed up and hopefully you'll arrive back at Moonbucks before night time.

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2:34 AM Texts - Suna RintarouWhere stories live. Discover now