Chapter 3: riddle

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                                                                                      Tom's pov

I woke up the next morning after barely sleeping at all. I had been up all night thinking about her. What was it about that girl that made me want to see her again? Why couldn't I read her mind like everybody else's? I got changed and walked out of my room. I was the only person in Hogwarts to have a room to themselves. That probably shouldn't be a good thing as the reason was that I scared everyone away but to me, someone who takes socialising to a minimum, it was very helpful. I walked down into the great hall and found myself scanning the hall for her. what was happening to me?! Why would I care where she is?! she wasn't here by the way. 

I walked over and took my usual seat at the Slytherin table and took a piece of toast off the pile. I had never really enjoyed food like some people do. I just saw it as a way to get more strong and powerful. I ate slowly, letting my thoughts take control again. After a few minutes I heard talking coming from the door way. I looked up. There she was, with 2 other girls who I knew as the mud blood and Lovegood. Wow. She had now changed out of her beauxbatons clothes and was wearing her Ravenclaw robes. I watched her walk over to her table and sit down, still talking with her 2 new friends. Stop it Riddle! You don't care what she is doing. She's a filthy mud blood aswell according to the rumours I heard. You should hate her! But I didn't.

As I watched her I saw 2 more girls come and take there seats near them. One of them I was pretty shore her name was Sterling. I had only bothered learning her name because she was a pureblood. The other girls believe was Padma Patil. I sat there watching until they seemed to have finished. as they all stood up, (Y/N) turned round and looked at me. We looked at each other until I broke it and stared down at my plate. I heard there footsteps walking away so I looked up again. I didn't want her to think that she was at all interesting. I couldn't let her know that I even noticed her. I looked down at my timetable and saw that almost all of my lessons were with the raavenclaws. Shit.

I took a seat at the front in my first period of transfiguration. I had always loved to learn and wanted to be the smartest person at school. I must admit, the mud blood made it hard for me. But I found all of my lessons easy. The rest of the class made there way to open seats and I made a big effort not to look for her. Professor Mcgonnagal walked in and went to the front. Goodmorning every body, it is lovely to see you all again and to meet you. She did a small smile in the direction of what I guessed was where (Y/N) was sitting. The lesson went smoothly and when the bell went, I stood up and walked out the door. 

                                                                                     (Y/N) pov

The first day of lessons went well and I was happy to see that I was quite ahead of my classmates. I had made my decision. I wasn't going to stop. I decided to sneak out after dinner and practice outside. I went up to my dorm room and got changed into some comfy trackies and sweatshirt. I did my hair up in a messy bun and then put my trainers on. I walked down the stairs and out one of the back doors. The fields were ligand it was already dark outside which helped. I was practising for about 15 minutes when a bursting pain should into my knee. I fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

                                                                              Tom's pov

I decided to go for a walk after dinner by myself to try and clear my head. As I came round to the back fields of the castle I almost tripped over something sitting on the ground. I heard them breathing shallowly and shakily.I bent down. "Hello? Who is that? What are you doing out here?" I asked. They looked up and I held in a gasp. It was (Y/N). She was clutching her knee tightly and as I shone the light of my wand over her face I noticed tears in her eyes. She began to roll up her trousers until it passed her knee. Shit. It looked bad. I looked closely. "what have you been doing? This isn't just a normal scrape. There is magic in here. Dark magic." 

"I know I know just give me your wand" she replied impatiently. She obviously didn't want to answer my question. I moved my wand away from her just in time as she swiped for it. "Riddle please." She said desperately. 

"I will do it myself, move your hand." I responded.

"no. I don't trust you." She raised her hand and suddenly my wand flew out of mine and into hers. What on earth. How did she do that?! She started tending her knee whispering softly.

"(Y/N) how did you do that? And how did you make Pansy do that thing yesterday?" I asked her demandingly. I don't know why I was so interested. But I wanted to know badly.

"Fuck off Riddle I don't see how it affects you." She looked me in the eyes. "You are going to leave right now and go up to bed and forget this ever happened." She said in a soft voice. I stared at her, confused. "Fuck, why didn't that work?" she whispered to herself.

"You can compel people can't you? And move things with your mind?" I asked. It had suddenly clicked in my mind. She was like me. She looks up at me, scared. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I can do stuff to. I can read peoples minds you know. Ive always been able to." I was excited now. She was very powerful. Maybe that's what happened with the hat yesterday. She had that much power. If I got her on my side I could definitely rise to the top. "Riddle you have to leave. I can hurt you. You should be scared of me."She said shakily. I looked down at her and into her watery, green eyes. I grabbed her throat and lifted her slightly. "was that meant to be a threat? I am more powerful than you seem to think." I said angrily. She grabbed my hand and twisted it backwards. I winced in pain. "Don't underestimate me Riddle. I wasn't lying. I can hurt you and I will if you get in my way." She released my hand and stood up. "I will walk you back shall I?" I asked holding an arm out for her. She took it and we walked into the castle. "why? Why can I do this?" She asked me quietly. I didn't respond. Just shrugged my shoulders lightly.

We walked and talked all the way up to Ravenclaw tower. She turned and looked at me. "Goodnight Tom Riddle" She said. She went up onto her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek softly. A warm feeling went through my body and I found myself smiling for the first time in ages. "Wow I made THE Tom Riddle smile. I really must make a good impression." She grinned and then walked into her common room. 

I practically skipped back. I shouldn't feel like this but I was so happy that she knew my name. That she noticed me. I couldn't help it. Tonight I fell asleep quickly, pictures of her going through my brain. I tried to tell myself I was only interested in her because I thought her power could help me but I knew deep down that wasn't true.


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