Half term

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Me and Tom had gotten close over the next two months. I walked down the corridor with Luna and Hermione, Who I was now almost best friends with, and I saw Tom walking ahead. "excuse me a second guys." I said to them. I walked forward and nudged Tom. "hello little Tommy." I said smiling. "I told you to stop calling me that." He responded. 'you know you like it." I said. I saw a small grin on his face as he looked down at me. "You know your friends like each other right?" he said. "Wait what? Is that what they are thinking. Yes that is so cute omg!" I smiled brightly and looked back on them. They were staring at each other giggling quietly. I had gotten used to Tom's mind reading and was very greatful he couldn't read my mind. "Are you ready for the train, we have to go in around an hour." I said. He nodded. 

Cedric had been moved to St Mungo's after 2 days in the hospital wing. I had begged Dumbledore to let me go see him but he wouldn't let me miss school. Now that it was finally half term, I had made Tom agree to come with me. Seen as we were 5th years, we were allowed to go by ourselves. An hour passed and I hugged luna, Hermione and Fred (Who I had become close friends with) goodbye. Me and Tom boarded the train alone as no one else had decided to leave Hogwarts. He tried to hide the fact he was getting on with me. Tom may be a loner but he was proud and he didn't like people knowing we were friends so made us meet up late at night. I got out my copy of Jane Eyre and started to read. "What book is that?" Tom asked. "Oh it's a muggle classic. One of my favourites!" I exclaimed. His face looked disgusted. "Don't disrespect Charlotte Bronte like that!" I said, hitting his leg with the book jokingly. " My mother gave it to me, it belonged to her when she was small." I said dreamily. Tom looked at me. "Im sorry, I didn't know." 

"I didn't say that for pity Riddle." I smiled. I had told Tom all about what had happened with my mother and he started to open up about his family too. It was nice having someone to talk to about it. I fell asleep with my head resting on Tom's shoulder.

 He shook me lightly. "We're here (Y/N) time to wake up." He whispered calmly. Tom was strange in public with me but when we were alone, he made me feel safe, his smiles made me feel happy. We walked off the train at platform 9 3/4 in Kings Cross station and admired it. The platform was so quiet, No one was around. We looked at each other and I smiled. I was happy he was here. It was going to be hard seeing Cedric stuck in a hospital bed. Tom seemed to read my mind. "Remember what we talked about (Y/N), there was nothing you could have done to save him." I nodded, suddenly very interested at looking at the floor. 

                                                                                 ONE HOUR LATER

we stood in front of a boarded up shop, it looked like no one had been there for years. Tom opened the door for me and I walked inside. A gasp left my mouth. We were standing in a reception area with people everywhere. We walked over and stood in front of the desk where a moody looking woman sat. "What can I do for you two?" she asked.

"Um hi we are looking for Cedric Diggory?" I said politely.

"Ok hes on floor 3 in room 54." She handed us two bracelets. "we are trying to make it harder for people to break in here." 

I nodded and walked towards the elevator, tom following behind. 

We walked into room 54 and saw Cedric in the corner. I ran over and he looked up and grinned. "You're here." His smile was wide. 

"And we brought supplies." I responded, smirking and holding a bag full of food. His eyes looked me up and down and I gulped. I felt bad all of a sudden that I was just wearing one of Matthews old t-shirts and some massive jeans. 

Cedric patted the bed and I sat down. Tom stood behind me awkwardly. I looked up into his face and smiled. He breathed deeply and said "Long time no see diggory" 

"Hm yeah, they said I might be able to come back soon." He smiled. "How's school, has the person been caught?"

"No. not yet. They must have escaped before Dumbledore could find them and they haven't come back, we think we are safe." I took his hand and squeezed. "How have you been, trapped in here?" 

"Its been pretty boring, my dad's been visiting me non stop and brining me books and other things to do but I miss school." He shook his head. "It must be terrible."I sympathised. 

"Anyway lets talk about something cheerful." Cedric announced. We spent a couple of hours chatting about quidditch and school and other stuff that really wasn't important but I saw it cheered him up. "We will come back as soon as possible Cedric, I promise." I bent down and kissed his forehead and then walked away with Tom at my side. We walked through the streets of London, chatting about the wacky shops we passed. I was happy, for the first time in years, I was truly happy.

 It didn't last long. 

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