Dumbledore's office

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"sherbet lemons" Tom said clearly towards the proud statue. A loud, noise came from it and the bird started turning slowly around until the little hole in the back was facing us. Tom placed his hand on my back and guided me forward. The bird started Turning again but this time we were going upwards. Once we reached the top, we came to  large door with a golden knocker placed in the middle. Tom stepped forwards and knocked. "professor Dumbledore sir, it's urgent." 

A quiet voice from within replied "come in."

I walked into the room and was in awe. Lots of strange gadgets filled the room making noises that I couldn't identify. A wall stood, full of portraits of old looking people who were sleeping but I swear I saw one of them open their eye. I looked at a table and there stood a giant red bird on a silver perch. it was beautiful. I walked over and stroked it gently. "Agh what can I do for you two, mr Riddle, Miss Y/L/N?" Dumbledore spoke calmly. This was the second time I had seen him. Up close you could see he wore half moon spectacles on the tip of his nose and he had a small smile on his face. "Sir, a student has been attacked. We found him lying in the hallway injured, he said someone came up to him and hexed him." Tom explained to the headmaster.

"I see." Dumbledore replied, his easy smile vanishing. "you two, stay in here, I need to go inform the teachers. we need a search party. Whereabouts is the injured student? I can call ms Pomfrey for them immediately." 

"In the corridor next to the staircase going down to potions." I replied. The shake in my voice still visible. 

"Thank You. Now stay here and calm yourselves down." Dumbledore left his office and shut the door with a bang. 

We stood there in silence for what seemed like hours. No awkward silence, it was almost comforting. Finally Tom spoke, "What's wrong." He asked, staring at me. I stayed silent, avoiding his eyes. He walked over nd placed his hands on my shoulders. I finally looked up into his dark eyes. 

                                                        Toms Pov

I stared into her eyes. They were beautiful. Lost in my thoughts I didn't see what was coming next. She wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her head on my shoulder. I had never been this close to a girl before. we stayed like that for a few seconds until I relaxed and wrapped my arms around her. She felt warm and comforting. So this is what a hug felt like. I rested my head on hers. "Thank you Tom." She whispered into my ear. I could feel her breath on me. She stood back, cupped my face with her hands and smiled, then turned around, staring back at the Phoenix bird. The place where her hand had just been felt like it was burning, in a good way. I stared at the back of her head. Why did I feel like this? She isa random girl who I shouldn't care about, but I do. I care a lot about her. 

I took a seat at Dumbledore's desk. What time would it be now? Suddenly Snape burst through the door. "You two, come with me. now!" He said demandingly. I stood and followed Y/N out the door. 

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