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I woke up in the early morning as I had decided to go to the library. I had always loved reading and was excited to see what books there were. I brushed my teeth and splashed my face with water. I had a shower and then got changed into my uniform adding a couple rolls to the skirt. I walked down to the library and started browsing the shelves for books. The truth was, I had decided that I wanted to find answers about my powers. I had heard of this book that spoke about supernatural powers and I was looking for it. I gave up and went over to the librarian.

"Hi there, by any chance do you have the book 'Supernatural powers in witches and wizards' here?" I asked politely. "Agh your a bit too late, someone already came this morning to read it." She said. "Oh really? Could you please give me the name of the person?" I asked. "well he is right there on that table dear." She pointed behind me and I turned around to see Tom Riddle sitting at a table in the corner smirking up at me. I thanked the lady and walked up to him.

"Have you been stalking me (Y/L/N)?" He asked grinning.

I chuckled. "hello Riddle, Your already one step ahead of me I see." I said.

"yes and I hope to keep it that way." he smiled. I went and sat down opposite him. "Did you find anything?" "look I don't want this to be a competition. why don't we just work together?" I asked. "wow you really are trying to find as many ways as possible to be with me. Id be careful if I were you or it will start to look like you have a little crush." He said staring at me. I laughed at this. "Hm you wish Tom Riddle." 

"And no, I haven't found anything yet." He leaned in closer. "I think we might need to take a trip into the restricted section, if you are up for it?" He whispered into my ear. I could feel his breath on my neck. "Nothing scares me Riddle. Of coarse i'm up for it."

"well then, I will see you at my dorm at 11pm tonight." He got up and left. Who does he think I am? How on earth would I know where his dorm is??

I walked to my first lesson of the day which was potions. I sat down at an empty table at the back. A tall blond haired boy sat down next to me. "Hello you must be the new Ravenclaw, Im Cedric Diggory, Nice to meet you." He smiled down at me. "Nice to meet you too Cedric and my name is (Y/N) by the way." I said sarcastically sweet. He chuckled "Im sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." I looked down and noticed a Hufflepuff badge on his robes. Of coarse. It turned out Cedric was actually very nice and we talked and laughed for the whole lesson. "Wow im impressed. You are very good at potions (Y/N). im glad I sat next to you. as well as the fact you are very charming."   I blushed. 

I walked to my last lesson of the day. It was my first defence against the dark arts lesson here at hogwarts and I was excited. I had always loved this subject at home and I heard great things about the teacher her. Professor Lupin walked in to the class room. "Alright everybody settle down. Now I have picked your partners for you this term as we will be doing a big subject of The Unforgivable Curses." He started calling out names and one by one, students stood up and took there place at the tables. I found it funny to watch peoples disappointed expressions as they weren't put with their friends. Soon it was just me and one other person left. I looked over. Of coarse. It was Tom. "And last but not least we have (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Tom Riddle on the back table here please." I went and sat down and Tom followed. As the lesson began I found that I was enjoying myself. Tom hadn't spoken a word since we sat down. He looked angry. Once Lupin had stopped talking he told us to start writing about the first unforgivable spell with our partners. 

I turned to Tom. "So how much do you know about the Imperius-" I was cut off 

"I heard you are good at potions" he said, not looking at me. "What one did you use on me. hm. which little love spell did you use on me (Y/N)." he stared at me angrily and grabbed my wrist harshly. I stared back for a while and then I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing. 

"I don't see what's so funny (Y/N)" He said. I continued to laugh uncontrollably.

"I didn't" I gasped for air. "I didn't give you any potion Tom." I started laughing again. "For fuck sake (Y/N)what's so funny." He said. I could tell I was pushing him to his limit.

"Well" I started. "It seems its not me who has a little crush Tommy. you just admitted your undying love for me. We should run away and get married. does that sound good tom. is that what you dream about at night." I started laughing harder. 

He watched me laughing and said nothing. After a few minutes he smiled slightly. I calmed myself down and started with the work, still laughing here and there. He wouldn't stop looking at me. "Yes little Tommy what is it? Are you planning where we should go for our honey moon? I personally recommend a little carribean island. We will have more privacy there." I winked at him jokingly. "Or are you sad that not every girl is obsessed with you. that must be pretty hard for your ego little Tommy." I said mockingly.

"Stop calling me that (Y/N)." He said gripping my wrist harder.I looked at our hands and then up to his face. I was glad to see a small smile curving up on his lips. He then looked down at our hands and quickly let go, embarrassed. I decided to try and make him feel better and asked him to help with the work. We didn't talk about what happened for the whole lesson but I couldn't keep a small smile off my face. I was happy. He liked me. He actually liked me. My face was red from smiling. 

At the end of the lesson he reminded me about tonight and then left. I packed my things up and left too. On my way to my dorm room I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Cedric Diggory walking to me from down the corridor. "Hello Cedric." I said warmly. 

"Hi (Y/N) How's your day been?" we talked all the way up to my common room. He took my hand and kissed it softly. "Oh what a gentleman!" I sad mockingly. He laughed lightly. At least I knew he could take a joke. "See you around (Y/N) (Y/L/N)" and he turned and walked away. 

I couldn't help admiring his handsome face and charming personality. I smiled to myself. I was happy I had made another friend.

the dark lord (tom riddle x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang