The concert

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After 5 hours we were finally let in . We managed to get up to the barricade .

*white shirt now red my bloody nose*

The music started to play and Billie walked on jumping around stage .

She was gorgeous . She sang so perfectly .

We got half way into the show and when I was older started to play Billie locked eyes with me . She mumbled over her lyrics . She winked at me and carried on singing.

Billie layed on the floor arching her back teasing the crowd with everyone screaming .

Billie looked over to where I was again . I thought she can't be looking at me she's probably looking at Zara .

After that my strange addiction played and we bounced around like headless chickens .

Billie spoke a little in between each song . Her voice was like an angels . Billies said she was tired and needed some water she walked over to where finneas was playing the keyboard grabbed some water and spoke to him for a second we couldn't hear it tho .
Finneas ran of stage shortly after but came back after two minutes I just thought maybe Billie wanted something .

The night came to an end as goodbye began to play . Imogen and Zara wanted to get some merch from the shop so they scurried off to get in line. I wanted to stay and watch till the very end .
As Billie left stage a woman from the other side of the barricade came over to me .I was very to little on my own as she spoke in my ear .

" hi I'm Maggie billies mum , Billie said u cought her eye in the show and wanted to meet u and give u a hug , if it's okay with u we have time to fit u in the end of the meet and greet just follow me "

In shock I instantly replied yes I walked over to the end of the barricade where a security guard let me thorough and I walked with Maggie .

On the way I instantly remembered about Imogen .

I grabbed my phone and went to text her there was already a message .

* hey we are still in line but Zara's ride home just cancelled is it ok if she crashes with us we were gonna get some drinks , u don't have to come we will be back late xx *

Ugh Zara staying with us well I don't have much choice and them going out leaves me time to meet Billie .

I replied

* sure it's ok amma just get a ride back to the hotel with a girl I know that I found . Stay out as late as u want have fun xx *

She instantly responded

* okay thanku bub be safe xx *

I carried on walking not paying attention to where I was going until I looked up and saw we were approaching a green room .

Inside was finneas I instantly recognised him cos he's him . And an older man I'm guessing is billies dad . And another man I'm not sure who he is .

Maggie introduced me to everyone .

" this is finneas , Billie brother and this is Patrick Billie dad and this is Danny billies manager "

" hi my name Y/n" I mumbled.

" so your the one Billie was on about " Finneas replied

" I think so " I' mumbled a again .I knew I was blushing .

" Billie should be done in 10 minutes u can have something to drink if u want and then I will take u to her " Maggie said breaking the silence .

Still in shock I denied the offer of a drink and waited out the ten minutes before meeting Billie .

Maggie soon told me Billie was ready and to follow her .
I didn't know what to do what to think I was so nervous.

I could see Billie from a far . Her hair was bright blue in 2 messy buns and she was wearing a black oversized shirt with matching shorts and a load of chains .
She looked so gorgeous .

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