Suprise meet and greet

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I walked over to Billie .

She stood there and looked me up and down and grinned she pulled me into a tight hug .

"Hello princess". She spoke

She pulled away and looked me in the eye .

" your even gorgeous up close , u cought my eye in the crowd and I couldn't stop thinking that u were watching me the rest of the show so I told finneas to get my mum to arange for me to meet u " she told me .

" your so gorgeous " I mumbled out

Damn I'm stud I front of the most gorgeous human being I've ever seen and that's what I say wow .

She cuckles " thank u mammas, let's go back to my green room so we can talk more "

I walked with her side by side I couldn't keep my eyes of her she was so buitifull. The walk was a little far as I remembered .

As we walked staff congratulated Billie for a good performance .
I felt Billie grab hold of my hand and lock our fingers . She looked at me and smiled .

How has my life got to me walking BACKSTAGE holding hands with THE Billie eilish .

We got back to the green room and Billie flopped herself onto the sofa immediately removing her shoes .

Billie beckoned me to come sit next to her .
I sat down and billies began asking about me .

"What's your name the cutie"


"That's such a dope name damn"

I chuckled

"Where ya from them miss Y/n" she asked


We spoke for a couple hours , turns out me and Billie had a lot in common. When we spoke it felt so natural like there was no problems in my life .
I realised it was late and I needed to go .
I told billie

" why don't u come back to my hotel stay there for the night so u don't have to travel alone . "

I was so shocked I murmured yes

" okay good we can go to my car now and drive there I will just need to grab a few things and u can text whoever that u will be at a friends "

I replied okay and remembered about Imogen

I quickly texted her

* hey Imogen , I think amma crash at my friends place it's so late we just been talking for so long and we lost track of time I will be back in the morning and that way Zara can have my bed *

Imogen replied

* okay sure make sure your safe tho *

I knew she was drunk but at least she said it was okay and she was gonna be with Zara .

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