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AS VALA MARCHED INTO THE CAVE, the anger she felt caused the old realms grounds to rumble as her anger was felt through all connected realms

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AS VALA MARCHED INTO THE CAVE, the anger she felt caused the old realms grounds to rumble as her anger was felt through all connected realms. Her eyes were darker holding the same loathing glare, not caring for the bleeding scratch on her cheek. The shame lingered in her, a demi god scarred by a mere stone, the snickers coming from skrael almost made her boil over.

"Was it a success, or a usual failure Vala?" he said tauntingly as he floated beside her following her "fix your posture, wouldn't want another shameful injury..."

Her back was hunched, her fists clenched tight dark nails digging into her palm. Breathing in she moved her locks to the back of her head, giving a blank look to Skrael she thundered with monotonic anger "Skrael, silence yourself for if you do not, i will make sure you are of more than the north wind" as she walked away, he had a bitter look on his face "I'll leave that interpretation to your imagination..." she spoke threateningly towards him before walking to the darkest place of the tunnel.

Morgana had an impatient look on her face as she saw how their plans were being slowed down by one person "we cannot wait any longer."

Alina lifted her hand up telling her "we must wait Morgana, if you don't everything will go down hill." her voice held genuine worry but she herself couldn't help by admit long they have been waiting for their moment to restore balance and take their vengeance "we will restore balance, in due time"

Bellroc let out a grunt of anger "the mortal is right Alina, the longer we wait the harder it will be"

She narrowed her eyes at them saying "the matter involves me and Vala we get to speak of when it comes." it hurt her every time they tampered with trying to restore balance, she and Vala had always suffered the brunt of their mistakes and plans.

"I don't see why not?"

She looked at Vala with disbelief "Vala... are you-"

"Imbalance is getting stronger by the day, and your ignorant wielder has done nothing to help" she looked at her with disdain "I still do not appreciate the pact you made me seal" she looked at them all clenching tight onto the handle of her staff "we will make the world regret forgetting about our power, about our legacy" her voice firm and powerful "I agree on our vengeance, we will restore balance to this realm today"

Morgana chuckled lightly and pitched in "And I believe I know exactly how..." her voice trailing off slightly as she formed the slightest wisp of energy in her hands "Arthur will have no idea what's coming"

Alina sent a concerned look towards Vala, who was wiping away the blood on her cheek and looking at it in disgust. She knew something was wrong and she needed to get at the bottom of it, the soft hum and glow of the blue stone on her staff alarmed her; she noticed it glowing purple and realised it was a signal.

Vala scoffed leaning against her staff lazily "your little puppet needs you, go on we'll tell you the plan when you return"


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