Part 1

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It's a warm sunny day so you decide to go on a walk down the street. The street you're going down is usually not busy and doesn't get many cars that go on it. It also had no curb or side walk but there were edge lines on it. You put on black Nike shorts and a loose light pink shirt that has a knot on the front of it. You walk out into your living room and put on your shoes making sure to tie them tight so they don't untie. You grab your phone from off the couch and go outside. You get on your phone and play music since you don't want it to be too boring. As you're playing music, you put your phone in your shorts waist band and you look back up. From a far distance you can see someone else on the street but couldn't tell if they were running or walking. You just kind of shrugged your shoulders but you were starting to get a little warm so you decided to put your hair up in a pony tail. About two minutes later you could see the person was pretty close to you. You saw red fluff stuff behind them and you were confused. He had headphones in and was running. You looked behind him and saw there was a car coming down the street really fast, not seeming to be slowing down or go towards the middle of the street. The car was getting really close within a couple seconds and still not moving and it was still going fast. You ran over to him and pushed him into the grass on the side of the street landing on top of him. You both laid there as the car passed by you making a burst of wind, moving your hair in your face.

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