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"I hate you get out of my life, you good for nothing cheater. I have done everything I can to love you and keep you but this is way too much. I have given up my career just to be with you. I can't believe you would cheat on me. Just leave I don't need you. I hate you with all my heart". Taylor was screaming and crying at the same time at Joe who could hardly say a single word.

"Tay please listen to me I can explain. I did not cheat on you. I can never do that to you. I love you with all my heart please give me a chance to tell you what happened" Joe looked at her with sad and teary eyes.

"You don't need to explain anything. I have seen pictures of you with that other woman who was practically sitting on your lap and nuzzling your ears with her lips are enough proof that you were cheating and you seem to be enjoying it a lot, you even have your arm on her shoulder. That's all the evidence that I need. Pack your stuff and leave right now or I'll call the police".

No amount of begging could change Taylor's decision, she even got more upset when Joe tried to talk to her.

He packed his clothes and personal belongings and left Taylor's house looking defeated, sad and hopeless. He checked into a hotel in the city still believing that maybe Taylor would forgive him and take him back.

Joe remembered that last night he went into  a bar with Pete a friend/ coworker in the film that he is currently doing. There was this female fan who approached them and asked if she can join them. His friend agreed to Joe's surprise. He was not looking for any female company and just wanted to unwind after a long day of filming. Th girl ordered her own drinks and moved closer to Joe trying to kiss him and nuzzling his ear. Pete got Joe's phone and started to take pictures of Joe and the girl. He was trying to push her away and that's why it looks as if he was holding her. 

Taylor slammed the door after Joe left and continued crying trying to console herself that it was all a mistake. She was asleep when Joe came home that night. She woke up early that morning and found Joe's phone lying on the floor. She doesn't have the habit of checking his phone but she felt compelled to do so for no reason at all and that's how she saw all the pictures of him and the other woman.

"Mom, can you come see me. I need you now" and started sobbing uncontrollably.  

"I'm coming Tay. I'll be there soon". Andrea heard her cries and immediately got ready to leave.

Taylor cried harder when Andrea came into her apartment. She told her about the pictures that she found in Joe's phone and concluded that he cheated on her.

Andrea held Taylor in her arms and allowed her to vent her feelings until she eventually stopped crying. "Tay did you give him a chance to talk? Did you listen to him?"

Taylor felt guilty when she realized that she just cut Joe off when he tried to explain his side. He could have told her the truth if she only was not blinded with jealousy and rage. She told her Mom the truth and started sobbing in her arms regretful of her actions.

"You need to understand that Joe is a celebrity and a very good looking man women would be attracted to him and try to win his attention. I know he is a good man and he loves you. Please give him a chance to prove that he did not cheat on you."

"I will try Mom, I will find a way to know the truth. Thank you for being here for me".

At 2am Taylor's cell phone rang and she answered it immediately without looking at her caller ID. "Hi Taylor, you don't know me but my name is Pete and I am Joe's friend. He is with me right now drunk as a skunk and he keeps on mumbling your name. I don't know what to do with him. He cannot be alone tonight in his hotel room. Do you know anyone who could be with him?"

Without hesitation Taylor asked for his whereabouts and requested him to stay with Joe until her security arrives. Taylor checked the guest bedroom making sure that it has everything that Joe needs.

A couple of hours later Brandon and another guard half carried Joe into the house looking like a mess. He was reeking with alcohol and looked disheveled and unkempt. They took him to the bathroom where he started to throw up several times into the toilet bowl. He was sweating profusely and continued mumbling "I didn't cheat on you Taylor" in between vomiting and crying.

Taylor assisted him into the shower and turned on the cold water faucet to wake him up some more. Joe started flailing his arms feeling the cold water on his skin. Taylor helped him take his clothes off and washed him the best she could also getting wet from the water spray. It took a while for her to finish and dry him off.

As soon as he got to bed he passed out immediately. Taylor left him alone leaving a bucket by the bedside just in case he throws up in the early morning.

Joe woke up with the worst hangover of his life with a pounding headache, fatigue , lightheadedness, nausea,  and dizziness. His mouth and tongue felt like sand due to excessive thirst. He found an Advil and a pitcher of water by the bedside that he immediately took almost drinking all the water. The bright sunlight coming in through the window made him more uncomfortable and he has to squint his eyes a lot.  He felt disoriented and doesn't know where he is or how he got into this room. He looked around him eventually realized that he is in one of the guest room in the house that he and Taylor share.

After taking another shower, he dressed up in a pair of joggers and shirt that he found in the room and went down to see Taylor drinking coffee in the kitchen while looking at her phone. 

"Good morning Tay" he said softly while looking at her awkwardly feeling embarrassed and shameful from his drunken behavior. She looked at him indifferently as if he didn't exist.

"Thank you for taking care of me last night. I was terrible and I really messed up. I just want you to know that my feelings for you never changed I will always love you no matter what happens between us. I'm sorry for giving you  a reason to get mad at me but I never cheated on you. I will pack the rest of my stuff now and leave to give you space and peace of mind."

CHEATING HEARTSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon