Cheating Heart Part 2

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"Taylor are you ready?" Tree said as she watched Taylor doing her final preparation prior to taking the stage on her first ever concert after 3 years of not being in the news or limelight. She had been busy writing a new album of beautiful songs filled with love and dedication to her loved ones. Since Joe left, she knew she was pregnant and kept the secret known only to her family and close friends. She tried to tell him in fairness to being the father of her unborn babies. She tried to muster all her courage when she called him the first time, however a woman answered his phone and she immediately hanged up. 

Andrea encouraged her to call again just to let Joe know about her pregnancy saying that he has the right to know. This time Joe picked up her call but before she could say anything she heard a woman's voice over the line calling him honey and she ended the call right away.

Joe was surprised to get a call from Taylor after months of no contact from her, so he called her back several times and ended up sending her text messages which she totally ignored. He still miss her a lot and his feelings for her never wavered. There are women trying to get close to him when they knew that they have broken up. The most aggressive is Sidney who is his co-star in the latest movie he is making. They were photographed together having lunch with a group of co-stars but the pictures were cropped up and photoshopped to show just him and Sidney creating rumors of them dating. Joe never heard from Taylor until this call and he was intrigued why she called him now.

Years passed and Taylor is happy taking care and loving her life with her twin babies Matthew and Allison. He is the spitting image of Joe and she is Taylor's mini me. She was able to raise them in secret except for family and a few close friends who were very supportive of them.

Taylor wrote many songs about love for her children and people in general.  She has to promote her new album including interviews, TV appearances, pictorials, and promo ads. Her album came out and certified platinum after just a few weeks of it's release. Swifties from all over the world welcomed her with open arms and critics gave her accolades and positive reviews sending her at the top of the charts.

Joe was aware of Taylor's new album and got a copy for his listening pleasure. He listened and analyzed the lyrics and concluded that it's a love story dedicated to some new people in her life. He also believed that Taylor has moved on and found a new love making him glad and lonely at the same time. Glad that she is happy but sad that it's not him anymore but in spite of that he never moved on. He went out on  a few dates but was not happy to be with anyone else but Taylor. He dedicated his time to making movies that became so successful that earned him awards and accolades from fans and movie critics alike.

Joe's success never escaped Taylor's awareness, she's happy for him that he realized his dream of being a multi awarded and a respected actor in the industry. She saw pictures of him with other women and concluded that he has moved on.

Joe knew of Taylor's upcoming concert and he knew in his heart that he has to be there for her. He called Andrea whose voice was filled with excitement when he recognized his voice.

"Joe is that you. It's been years but I'm happy to hear from you. Congratulations on your awards and booming career. I knew you would be a success in your endeavors. May I know why you called?"

"Thank you for your support Andrea. How's everything on your life. I hope you're healthy and well. I have a big favor to ask if you won't mind. I want to attend Taylor's concert and I am even willing to pay black market ticket would you be able to spare a ticket for me on her first concert date in New York? I will be flying over from London if you could make it happen. I will be forever grateful if you can do it."

"No problem Joe I could spare a ticket or two if you are planning to bring company with you. If you want I could place you in the special area for VIP ticket holders and family and friends."

"I would prefer to come incognito by myself. I don't want to disrupt or cause stress specially on Taylor if she knows I'm coming. I will be there as her number one fan and supporter so please don't tell her I'm coming to watch her concert."

"That's fine with me Joe. I'll e mail you the ticket right away and I hope to see you soon. In private of course."

"Thank you Andrea " a few minutes alter Joe got the ticket and he excitedly called his management to set up a schedule of his trip to New York. He 's so excited beyond belief in seeing Taylor in person even if he is hundreds of feet away from her. His heart felt so light and joyful for the upcoming concert.

Present time

"Hi Joe it's nice to see you again" greeting  Joe  with a big hug and a kiss on both cheeks . He's dressed in a casual manner with a baseball cap and a hoodie hiding his features. Joe 's beyond happy to be there also making sure that no one would recognize him.

"Andrea it's great to see you again even if it's only for a short moment. I'm happy and excited to be here." then he saw two extremely cute kids a boy and a girl coming their way. He gasped at what he saw both kids are blonde, blue eyed with pouty lips and big smiles when they came towards them"

"Nana we're here. Momma is getting ready and she wants us to be with you."

The little girl came close to Joe and looked at him with curious eyes and asked "who are you are you? Are you Momma's friend?" looking at him with her shining deep blue eyes.

Joe could hardly believe at seeing these beautiful children the girl looks like a little version of Taylor with deep shining blue eyes, curly blonde hair, pouty lips, cute nose and the most infectious smile ever; the little boy looks exactly like him with untamed unruly blonde hair, ocean blue eyes, pouty lips looking on with a shy smile while the vivacious girl was interacting with Joe. 

Joe looked at Andrea with an incredulous wondering look in his eyes. Andrea nodded gently while looking at Joe and the twins. She could not deny Joe's quizzical look and her nod gave Joe all the answer that he needs. 

They're mine and she never told me anything about them. How could she do this. I have the right to know. How could she deny me from knowing and loving these wonderful little human beings that we procreated. That is being selfish of her. I missed their  birth, their birthdays and other milestones in their young life. Taylor how can you deprive me of my children.

His reverie was interrupted by a small voice in front of him "I'm Allison Taylor Swift; I'm Matthew Joseph Swift. What's your name mister?" Matt asked him looking at him with a  big smile on his face.

"I'm Joe. I'm you're Momma's very good friend."

"Why haven't we seen you" asked Allie enthusiastically.

"I live in London that's a city in the UK."

"Momma said our Dad lives in London and they speak with a funny accent. Are you our Dad? Please say yes. We like you to be our Dad." Both Allie and Matt looked at him with pleading watery making Joe's heart bleed with sadness and longing to hug them and tell them the truth.

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