Cheating Heart Part 5

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On the way to the park Joe reminded the kids to stay close to him, not to venture far away on their own and never talk to strangers. They jumped onto his arms as soon as the car stopped, laughing and screaming too excited to control themselves. They pulled Joe towards the swing sets, followed by the monkey bars, the slide and the teeter totter with the Joe on one side and the twins on the other. They played ball toss with a beach volleyball,  chased each other around and other children joined them in the fun. They wrestled Joe to the ground who tickled their tummies making them burst into laughter and high pitched giggles. 

The trio's antics got the attention of onlookers and a few took pictures of them. Some fans recognized Joe and approached them for selfies and asked about the twins. "They're the  children of a special person in my life" while the twins hugged him tightly looking at him adoringly with big blue eyes.

After lunch consisting of sliders, fries and milk shakes they set out for home. Taylor heard yells and laughter  as soon as the door opened. "Momma we're home" then 2 small bodies slammed into her making her lose her balance and landed on the couch with the twins straddling her.

"Momma we had a lot of fun with Uncle Joe. We played with other kids, ran around, climbed the monkey bars then we played wrestling and Uncle Joe fell to the ground  ." Allie reported.

"Momma, Uncle Joe pushed my swing as high as can be almost close to heaven" Matt said excitedly lifting his arms as far as they could go. Taylor looked at Joe with a troubled look in her eyes but trying to stop from laughing from the exaggerated story telling. 

Taylor looked at Joe and mouthed "thank you" and turned to the kids. "OK let's clean you up and then you take a nap". Joe assisted in getting them ready for their nap with Taylor's consent.

The couple sat on the couch and simultaneously said " we have to talk". Joe looked seriously and sternly at Taylor.

"Why did you hide your pregnancy? Why didn't you tell me? Being the father of the children I have the right to know.

" I knew I was pregnant a few weeks after you left. I was very angry with you but I know that you have the right to know. I mustered all my inner strength to call you. I did but a woman answered your phone so I immediately hang up. My suspicion was right you really cheated on me and I got more angry because you have moved on after just a few weeks of our separation. The only people who knew were my Mom and a few close friends who were all supportive of me. On my third trimester my Mom encouraged me to call you again. I tried so many times but I didn't have the courage to press the call button. Finally I was able to reach you, you picked up but before I could say anything I heard a woman's voice calling you honey. I was devastated and ended the call. That was a wake up call for me. You have definitely moved on and I am alone with our babies".

"The twins are my lifeline, I devoted all my love and attention to them. I want to prove to myself that I can be a great single mother to them. My family and friends were always there for me. I didn't stop writing my music that is my outlet of expressing my emotions." 

"I was heartbroken and felt destroyed when you told me to leave. I felt hopeless and devastated when you doubted me and accused me of cheating on you and would not even listen to my explanation. I never cheated on you Taylor. I was so in love with you and there was no one else but you in my life. There was this female fan who wanted to join us in the bar, before I could tell her no, Pete gave in to her plea. She sat so close to me and I tried to move away. I even used my arm to get her off me and Pete has already started taking pictures without my knowledge".

"When you called the woman who answered was one of my co stars in the movie I was filming. She was the closest one to my phone and she picked it up. I had no idea that it was you. I was not expecting you to call  after you threw me out of our house. Then when you called again I tried calling you back; texting you but you ignored me again."

"As the years go by and the twins are getting bigger, I decided to make a new album full of love songs about them. I was happy being a Mommy and getting unconditional love from my little angels. Some times I see your pictures with other women and I comfort myself that at least one of us is happy with a new in your life. I was also happy that your career has taken off and you have won multiple awards."

"I listened to your new album and I realized that you are singing love songs to a new person in your life. I told myself that at least you're happy in love and happy with someone new. I'm also thankful that you have regained your place in the music industry."

"When I knew about your concert I called your Mom and asked for a ticket. I was excited to see you even from afar but I had the best surprise of my life when I saw two beautiful angels one looks like you and the boy looks like me. My heart was full of joy when Andrea nodded to my unspoken question. The kids were amazing, we  immediately bonded with each other. They never hesitated at all, they talked to me, and they even asked me if I am their Dad and they want me to be their Dad. They were hugging me and kissing me which really filled my heart with extreme happiness. But deep down I was disappointed in you for not letting me know about them. But now I understand that you tried telling me the truth and my heart feels lighter."

Joe gazed at her lovingly "Tay I hope you believe me when I say that I never cheated on you. I love you, I have never stopped loving you, you're the only one for me. Don't believe everything that you read or hear from social media. The pictures were harmless, I have never been in any relationship since you threw me out. I hope you find it in your heart to take me back or allow me to be a part of our children's life. I am willing to wait until you forgive me or at least be friends with me."

Taylor felt tears running down her face " I'm sorry Joe, I'm really sorry that I didn't give you a chance to explain your side before I threw you out of my life. I was blinded by anger and jealousy. I'm also sorry I deprived you of the first three years of our children's life. I want you to be a part of their lives but you have to earn my trust again."

Joe's heart felt light knowing he can be with his children and show them how much he loves them. He will also prove to Taylor that he loves her so much and he is honest and loyal to her.

"Tay when are we going to tell them that I am their Dad?'" Joe he asked hopefully.

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