Cheating Heart Part 4

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Taylor and Joe looked at each other with sadness, longing, excitement, resentment and other mixed expressions on their faces. It's been more than 3 years since they last saw each other but the hurt, doubts and love still remain in their hearts and mind. Joe felt betrayed for being kept in the dark about their twins and Taylor remains hurt by her belief that Joe cheated on her years ago.

"Mom can you keep the children occupied I have to get ready for the meet and greet with my fans. I don't want to let them down."

"Can I be with them too? I want to spend some time with them while I'm here" Joe looked longingly at the kids playing on the couch.

Taylor gave him a cold stare but gave him a small nod making him smile brightly. Seeing that bright smile caused her to smile back in return. Andrea loved what she witnessed and almost gave herself a pat on the back.

"OK kids Uncle Joe is hungry.  Who else is hungry?" Allie and Matt raised  their hands and they proceeded to check the refreshment area. They found some muffins, pizza, fruits, cookies and soda drinks. Joe found some juice box in the refrigerator and yogurt for the kids and took a slice of pizza and a  bottle of water for himself. The kids were so well behaved while eating but started to compete who could get most of Joe's attention when they were through with their food. So he placed one child on each of his knee and they started to mess up his hair, pulling it whichever they can. He made faces, sticking out his tongue, puffed up his cheeks and just acted like a clown much to the kids delight. Taylor smiled when saw all these and felt happy that the kids are reacting positively to him.

"Alright kids it's time to go home. it's past your bed time" was met by groans and moans from the twins.

"Can we play with Uncle Joe for a few minutes more? Please Momma." Matt looked at her with puppy eyes making him look more adorable and she's reminded of Joe when he makes  that face. 

"Five minutes" and left them to attend to their stuff being transported to her vehicle. 

Joe walked the kids to her at exactly five minutes. They were holding on to his hands and looking so cute with big smiles on their faces.

"Thank you Uncle Joe. We had fun with you tonight. Can we play again tomorrow?" Allie looked at Joe and Taylor with a hopeful expression on her face.

"Kids we will talk about it. Uncle Joe may have some personal business to attend to. Let's not overstay your welcome".

"I'm free tomorrow and I will be here at least a week or more depending on developments regarding personal stuff that has to be resolved" looking intently at Taylor making her blush.

"Yaayy we will have more fun with Uncle Joe tomorrow. Thank you Momma. See you in the morning Uncle Joe" both giving him a hug ang a kiss and climbed into the car quickly.

"Thanks Tay. What time can I pick them up? " smiling broadly at her. " do you still live in our house?"

"I'll text you if you still have the same cell number".

"Yeah and by the way we still need to talk and clarify everything for the sake of the children" Joe said with a serious tone on his voice.

Joe went back to his hotel happy, elated, excited knowing he is a father of beautiful twins. He could hardly stop smiling, beaming with inexplicable happiness with seeing Taylor for the first time in 3 years. She looks more beautiful than ever and his feelings haven't changed in spite of being away from each other.

Taylor was bombarded by the incessant chatter of the twins how they loved being with their Uncle Joe talking and listening to his "funny accent", dancing, playing, holding, hugging and kissing him. "He looks good and smells good too Momma" Allie said and Matt chimed in shyly "he is so nice and he talked to me Momma." Taylor's heart is filled with happiness in seeing Joe again and extremely glad that the twins immediately bonded with him.

Taylor didn't have a hard time putting the kids to sleep when she reminded them that they have a play date with Uncle Joe the next day. They looked like little angels when they closed their eyes to sleep.

At 9 am Taylor was awoken by giggles and kisses from her precious twins. They were seated on each side of her touching her face, playing with her hair "Momma wake up we're hungry. Uncle Joe will be here soon". Taylor suddenly opened her eyes wide , made a scary face and in a loud spooky voice screamed" Bwaahh haha Momma is awake and she is going to eat you bwaah haha" making the twins yell out in fear and laughter when Taylor tickled their tummies. The little family played the scared game a few more minutes until they went down for breakfast.

The kids were showered, fed, and all dressed up for their playdate with Uncle Joe when the bell rang. They both rushed to the door waiting for Taylor to open it and hugged Joe as soon as they saw him. "Uncle Joe we miss you" they said simultaneously and climbed onto his arms. Taylor and Joe looked at each other with a smile so happy with their kid's reaction.

"Did you eat? I made banana chocolate pancakes, they're the twins favorite. Would you like to join me for breakfast ? Taylor asked him softly looking at him with a small smile on her face.

"My favorite too, you didn't forget. Of course, I'll join you. Thanks for thinking about me".

They ate in comfortable silence, listening to the kids stories and antics to attract their attention. They look like a regular family getting along with  each other; looking lovingly and proudly at their little ones.

"Momma are you coming with us? We want you to play with us and Uncle Joe in the park then we will have ice cream and milk shakes, please". Matt looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Taylor are you sure I can take them to the park? For sure there will be papparazzis all over, hiding in the bushes armed with telescopic cameras. This is going to blow up in the press and social media. We can have a fun time here in the house".

"Joe they have been to the park before with a non celebrity friend of mine and no one recognized them.  I have kept them a secret for 3 years. It's about time for them to experience how it is to be outside and play with other children. I don't want to deprive them or limit their activities confined in our home no matter how spacious or beautiful it may be. We will keep them safe and secure when they are out. The public or media were not aware that I was pregnant when we separated so I hope no one will think they are mine. They may think that they are yours and you may face a backlash or the support of your loyal fans. I hope you understand just because they are children of celebrities doesn't mean they have no right to be enjoy life outside the confines of our home."

"I am ready to face any support or backlash and when we are ready we could introduce them to the public. Thank you for trusting me with our children."

"My loves, remember what I told you, someday we will go to the park as a family but not this time. You will have fun with Uncle Joe, just remember I will be there in spirit and eat the first spoonful of ice cream for me."

The kids seem to understand and got their stuff ready, Brandon and 2 other security are waiting in 2 cars. " Have fun kiddoes, Joe please take care of them and avoid the paparazzi. Brandon and the other men know how to deal with them but just be alert".

"They are the most important to me, rest assured I will take care of them with my life." The  kids gave Taylor hugs and kisses and climbed into the car with Joe right behind them.

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