Cheating Heart Part 6

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"Tay thank you for allowing me to be a part of the twin's lives. I am going to prove to you that I will be a great father to them and I'm going to gain your trust and love again."

Taylor nodded and proceeded to the twins bedroom. "I have to leave for the arena soon. I have to get them ready for Mom. She will pick them up at 6pm" with that said Taylor left Joe alone in the living room.

In the living room Joe looked around and found copies of video with the twins names and the date they were filmed. He chose a copy done 3 years ago and started to watch. It showed a pregnant Taylor mugging in front of the camera. She looked young and beautiful with her big belly and the glow of pregnancy showed on her face. She was singing to them while rubbing her tummy with a happy smile on her face. There were videos of her baby shower, gender reveal party, decorating the twins rooms and rushing to the hospital for the babies' birth. Joe had tears in his eyes when he saw the babies immediately after birth with Taylor and Andrea crying with happiness. He saw the babies grew from newborn, into infancy,  to their first teeth coming out, their first steps and heard the first word that came out of their mouth" Momma". He also found videos of their first and second birthday, smashing and mashing their cakes into each others faces giggling with glee. There were more videos that need to be watched but from what he saw the babies are loved and Taylor is a loving mother. He felt angry that he was not there provide support and  love Taylor during the difficult process of pregnancy. He made a promise to himself  that he will make up for the years that he missed.

He was wiping his eyes when Taylor and the kids came down the stairs. She noticed how red Joe's eyes are and the screen was filled with the twins giggling and mashing cake onto each other. She felt unhappy seeing him cry over their kids videos, moments and milestones that he missed and would never take place again. 

Seeing the kids brought back a big smile on Joe's face. He hugged and kissed them and carried them on his back all over the house. They got on Joe's back and played horsey with Allie in front holding on to his hair while Matt was holding on to Allie's waist. Taylor looked at them with eyes full of love and joy.

Taylor made early dinner of spaghetti with meatballs and toasted garlic bread while Joe is playing with the twins. After dinner Taylor got ready to go the the arena for her second show. Joe volunteered to give Matt a shower and dress the kids but his inexperience showed when it came to fixing Allie's long hair. Taylor watched him struggle with the hair tie while Allie was yelling" Uncle Joe you're pulling my hair, Momma help, I'm going to lose all my hair" in a dramatic fashion. Taylor mouthed to Joe" she's such a ham" making them both grin at each other. Matt looked at Allie and simply said" stop moving, Allie you're like a worm" making Taylor and Joe laughed out loud and Allie gave Matt a dirty look who responded with a dirty look of his own. Both parents shook their heads and a gave their kids a pat on the head.

Taylor left 2 hours before the show and Joe and the kids will meet Andrea in the concert venue. After a quick shower, Joe got dressed and checked everything that the kids may need. The drive to the arena was uneventful, with both twins singing and dancing on their seats. " Nana we're here, Uncle Joe came with us. We will watch Momma together". The distance from the gate to Taylor's dressing room  was quite far for the children to walk so Joe carried them in his arms. They were waving and smiling at the fans who were delighted to see the beautiful twins and the handsome British actor carrying them. 

Taylor's heart swelled with love and happiness when she saw her little family walking towards her. " Hi Tay, as promised the kids are here safe and sound" smiling broadly at Taylor who gave him a small peck on the lips and Joe placed his hands on her face. They  both blushed and turned their attention on the kids. The singers, dancers and crew  who saw the incident were taken aback by what they saw. Seeing Taylor and Joe kissing made them think if they are back together. Then seeing two beautiful kids who look like them made them wonder if they are a family. Tree took Taylor aside and was curious about what's going on.

"Taylor what was that all about, taking the kids here and kissing Joe in front of all these people? Do you know the ramifications of this incident once it goes out to the public and social media?

"I'm willing to face any backlash about this but I am not going to deprive Joe and my kids   the love they all deserve. I need to meet with all my people right now."

Andrea took the kids for some snacks and Joe and Taylor faced her staff to give them the news. "First of all I would like to thank all of you for being there for me. You all provided me with your kindness, loyalty and support. Joe and I have an important announcement to make and this involves a very top secret that I have kept for the past three years. I believe all of you saw two little kids with Joe today. They are our twins named Allison Taylor AKA Allie and Matthew Joseph AKA Matt. They are the loves of our life and we will do everything to keep them safe but at the same time provide them a normal life in spite of our circumstances. I hope you provide us the support that we need."

Most of the staff were dumbfounded by what they heard but others in the know nodded their heads and looked at Taylor and Joe with compassion and support. They all promised to keep the secret to themselves and offered assurances that the new information will stay within the group. Group hug followed and the rambunctious twins skipped back into the room hugging Taylor and Joe lovingly. Some have tears in their eyes watching the family bonding.

 Taylor is aware of where her family is situated and she saw Joe and the children with big smiles on his faces. She blew them kisses and made eye contact with Joe while singing and dancing in a flirtatious way. Joe responded by blowing her kisses with adoring eyes, then he placed his right hand on his chest. The twins scrambled up his arms waving and calling out her name making Taylor smile. The concert is another success with 70,000 fans cheering and singing their hearts out.

The kids fell asleep on their way home and each parent carried one child in their arms. Taylor and Joe settled on the couch after Taylor had showered off all the make up and sweat from her skin. 

They sat in comfortable silence exchanging glances shyly. " Tay, the information we shared with your staff may blow up soon. There were other people who were standing near me and the kids and they were looking at us closely. I expect them to see the resemblance of our faces. They may have heard the twins calling you Momma. How are we going to sort this out?"

"I think we should work as a team. We will come clean and tell the truth before the media or paparazzi get wind of this and blow it out of proportion. We will issue a statement regarding the kids and the status of our relationship. Tree will be able to contact refutable publications and trusted TV shows who can make the announcement."

Joe gave Taylor a serious look and addressed the elephant in the room. "That's a good idea but when are we going to tell the children that I am their father. We have bonded and developed a loving relationship and I really want them to know who I am. I want them to call me Daddy and that will be one of the most memorable day in my life. They maybe 3 years old but they are smart and reasonable for their age."

" Let's take this one day at a time Joe. I can see the love in their eyes when they look at you and I have no doubt you love them too."

"I understand Tay. I am going to prove to you and the kids that I love them so much. I will also show you that my love for you never waned and I will forever be true and honest to you just as I did before we parted ways." they exchanged a gentle and hopeful gaze in their eyes.

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