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I am extremely sorry for making you all wait. Had been caught up with festival then family and goofed up health is making me delayed but be assured i am surely gonna finish what i have started... Do let me know how it is going... Just one chapter more and this would end...


Gulf knew he had landed himself in a deep shit. He had lost all his rational thinking to his zest of saving his love. Trouble had just started, he was cursing himself for not talking to anyone before taking this step. Now, he was stuck unable to think straight. The whole place was like a fortress guarded by huge bulky guards all around.  His eyes widened looking around in the basement where fiat had created a room with all his pictures.

Fiat and gulf story

Fiat was known to him as a senior who bullied the freshers. He loved teasing girls and also having innumerable one night stands. Termed as college casanova he slept with girls as well as boys as per his mood and need. Juniors feared his gang and none raised voice against him but gulf was different.

He took stand against fiat's bullying also, went as far as slapping him for misbehaving with fresher girls in his class. Fiat decided to take revenge on gulf for his insult. He befriended gulf asking sorry for his behaviour.

His only aim was to get gulf but walls of security around this kid were very strong. He made lot of move but none succeeded. Gulf was naive but he outsmarted all his stupid plans. Fiat got into gulfs friend circle and started breaking it without gulf's knowledge.

Last stroke was he rumourised that they were in relationship. Gulf had came out to his parents so it wasn't something that could hinder his image but it was a lie and gulf confronted fiat on it. Also, coming from top business family this news without legal confirmation could cause his big time to his father's reputation. Fiat was a cunning player he asked gulf to spend a night with him and he will drop off all the rumours.

Gulf smiled and just replied 'One night my ass, you are not even worth my one glance.' Though it was kinda friendly joke for gulf. Fiat was fuming in anger taking it as an insult. Therefore on gulf's birthday night he took the step of drugging him so he can have his night with gulf but mew saved him.

Further zee threatened Fiat from coming anywhere near gulf. Whereas unknown to them Herman Kanawut had threatened Mr. Runron. Who further asked his son to stay away from Gulf.

After Fiat's graduation he left the university out of fear. When he again met gulf during audition he wanted to get him back. Today gulf had given him the golden opportunity decorated in a platter..

Fiat: Gulf...

Gulf: My answer is the same.

He walked towards the large wall mounted fish tank which had varied fishes.

Gulf: I am already hooked to someone and i love him a lot.

He turned flashing the ring mew had slipped in his finger. Again turning his attention towards the big fish tank.

He is the reason i am standing here still talking to you Fiat. Changing this line up is matter of life and death. To save him i need to finish fast for that i need your help.

Gulf spoke up with utmost genuinity.

Fiat knew gulf was stubborn so he had to change the plan. He smiled and walked towards the mini fridge taking two glasses he poured liquid vanilla swirling the glass then adding in pulpy grape juice he mixed some powder in it. Swirling it mixing the liquids he went to gulf.

Entangled With You (Mewgulf) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now