Entangled with you (beginning of finale)

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The most crucial 48 hours were up and mew was doing just fine. Gulf stayed by mew's side. He settled beside him while others took turns so he could catch up nap or take coffee break. Gulf had lost himself in caring for mew. Herman was quite worried thinking about his uncle's words. 'His innocence would be lost in this relationship' was his prince getting matured early due to all the issues being faced. He wasn't gonna allow this to happen his kid was still very young to face harshness of life. Storm had finally settled but not over.

Boat entered the room slowly with his assistant and had a big smile looking around. Bright was sleeping on the sofa keeping his head in win's lap whose legs were spread on the coffee table. Zee was cocooned around saints stomach who held him close while he himself was half lying on the arms of lounge sofa. They had all slept after 48 hours because last few hours were hell. Mew almost lost the battle as important device keeping his breathing smooth stopped working. To add it up heavy storm and rain had disrupted the power service.

Each one of them had ran from pillar to post to get things sorted. The team of doctors were quick to work on it. Gulf was so lost that he didn't even move an inch besides mew. Boat eyes moved searching for that kid and he saw him as usual sleeping at the edge of the bed near mew's hand. His face still had tear marks as he cried to wits end knowing mew was gonna be fine.

Now, boat had biggest work that is to chase each one of them out of the room. His assistant giggled looking at boats face. He was a strict doctor and everyone feared his presence. None went against his words but here were bunch of monkeys whom he literally feared.

Gulf woke up as he felt mew's fingers move under his palm. He smiled at boat.

Gulf: Phi boat

Boat: Hey, kana how are you?

Gulf: I am super fine knowing boo is fine.

He said looking at mew who was still sleeping.

Boat: Mew will sleep for few more hours. Why don't you go home refresh and come back?

Gulf: I am fine phi i will go back once he is awake.

Boat: Kana, i know you are all scared i am too but now everything is going to be fine.

Gulf: Phi, i just can't stay away from him.

Boat: I understand

The others had also woken up..

Zee: You don't, therefore just try to chase us away.

Bright: Yes, we are not going anywhere.

Boat: Guys, do you all wish that they remove me from my job.

Saint: It would be good then zee and bright won't be jealous that you and kana get maximum time with mew.

Everyone stared at saint including boat knowing how childish these boys were. Gulf giggled listening to saint's comment who had placed his hands on his mouth knowing what he blabbered would surely earn smack from his fiance. He surely received a pretty good smack on the back of his head.

Mew opened his eyes to a beautiful view of his baby giggling and other bunch softly bickering so not to leave the place. He softly smiled..

Mew: I think you all should go home.

Everyone turned their head at the source of voice holding smile of relief. Mew, had fought valiantly to get back to them and they can't be happy enough. He had won an loosing battle like a true warrior.

Mew: Phi zee you have to go to office. same goes with others.

Gulf: I am safe i don't have work. So, i can be here isn't it.

Entangled With You (Mewgulf) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now