2: Everyday life with roommates

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The next day the three housemates were on the balcony, hanging out laundry to dry. Y/n was never one for mundane housework but was willing to be helpful given he was staying there for free, even if he was greatly opposed to being up this early. Miia was humming a tune as she worked, smiling widely.

Kimihito: "Hey Miia what's up? You seem happy."

Miia: "Oh come on, don't you remember? You're so silly!"

She started rapidly slapping him on the back while laughing wildly. Kimihito started complaining that it hurt so she stopped.

Miia: "Well of course I'm happy. It was so brave... when you stood up for me!"

She started picturing an idolised version of the events from the day prior, conveniently forgetting that it was Y/n who had actually done something while Kimihito had just almost done something.

Y/n's lips pursed. He was never one to receive much praise in his last life - unless you count just getting tipsy from enough booze to knock out someone twice his weight - but his medical marvel of a liver aside, he had very few praise worthy accomplishment or talents.

Miia: "And I'll do the same for you, no one will hurt you on my watch."

She started to slither inside the house when she heard a far-off scream and turned to see Kimihito... gone. Only blue feathers remaining after his very aptly timed kidnapping.

Miia: "Darling!"

She immediately left the house to go and find him and his kidnapper, who she'd caught a brief glimpse of. Y/n simply sighed before looking in the direction he was taken, with his enhanced vision he saw Kimihito being carried away by a little girl with blue wings for arms.

Could he have stopped the kidnapping? Probably. However, he was very distracted being pissy about his accomplishments being glossed over, a completely valid reason for his lack of action.

Following his nose while also keeping an eye on Miia proved to be quite the challenge. She seemed to be on a war path to find whoever dared touch her darling. While she charged through people to find Kimihito, Y/n leaped from roof to roof with ease. After about half an hour of parkour, Y/n jumped off another roof, and there was no other roof to land on.

Acting on pure instincts he grabbed a lamppost and swung down it, using his momentum to slide down a handrail and commando roll to stop.

He stopped for a moment to enjoy the applause, mildly confused at how it had come so naturally to him, before bowing to the crowd and leaving.

After following the scent for another few minutes, he arrived at the park where he saw a group of people around a tree, this included Kimihito, his assailant, and Miia. Upon closer inspection there was a child stuck in the tree, Miia started slithering up the tree to rescue them. Already knowing how this would turn out Y/n jogged lightly towards the tree, mentally counting down from three.

He lept forward when he saw the child fall after the shrill screech, annoyingly it had been a whole second after he'd finished the countdown, and he considered doing nothing because of that. He caught her, twisting around to take the impact himself he hit the floor with a dull thud.

The crowd gathered around the pair as the little girl got up and ran to her mother, while Y/n still lay on the floor groaning in discomfort. He slowly staggered up as the mother began profusely thanking him, he just shrugged it off and looked for his friends. Not being able to locate them he sighed and walked away still in mild pain from the fall.

Y/n clicked his back as he strolled through the park, enjoying how much less litter there was in this world than his old one, or maybe it was just because he was in Japan now. He was still confused as to why he'd been reincarnated though, only remembering that God had called him interesting. He probably should've gone to check up on Kimihito, but he couldn't really be asked, instead just walking off in a random direction.

Everyday life with reincarnation (Miia x Indoraptor reader)Where stories live. Discover now