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I quickly nod and go past him behind the counter and watch him follow me and watch me as I start prepping the coffee and tea machines to start the day.☆

"First thing everyday when you enter the store if nobody is here already then you'll be the one to go ahead and get all the machines started. We'll start off with the coffee machine since it takes the longest to get going. You'll first click the start so it can warm up and get it's water tank ready, also always make sure the tank has plenty of water. Then add your coffee beans and let it do it's thing. Next you wanna start the tea brewing machine. It works just like the coffee machine, you make sure there's water then add the tea bags. That's pretty much the basics. Only thing left is baking which I or Mrs.Charlotte do every morning. Even if me or her will miss a day we will bake the day before we're gone so you'll never have to worry about it. All you gotta do is display it." I show him everything to do as I'm saying how to do it leading up to us standing infront of the display counter. It looks like Mrs.Charlotte did the baking earlier as all the small baked goods are already in their glass display case with warmers beneath to keep everything ready to eat. I look over at Tim and notice him looking around I guess he's taking it all in. "Think you can handle everything Tim?" His attention directs back to me as he smiles and nods. "I know I can. This will be a breeze." "Good. You should never be alone here but just incase your here before me and Mrs.Charlotte now you'll know what to do." I nod at him then go to the door and flip our closed sign to open. The day went by fairly slowly and we didn't have a whole whole lot of business. We had maybe 24 people come in during our hours of 8am-9pm. We go in and prep stuff at 7am then open at 8am and work till 9pm and after 9pm we use however long it takes to clean and restock. I flip the sign to closed and nod with a smile of satisfaction seeing as how well the day went. Turning around to go clean up I slightly jump startled seeing Tim behind me. He's been fairly nice throughout the day so my opinion of him improved. "You good Tim?" I look up at him curiously. "Oh yeah just seeing how we close up. Wanted to make sure I can see what you do so I get it right if I ever have to close up by myself." "Well alright. Firstly always lock the doors after you switch our sign to closed. It's only so you'll be safe while cleaning." I look at him to make sure he's watching me as I lock the door. "What about the back door do we lock that one too?" He raises an eyebrow as he asks showing genuine curiosity. "Actually the back door is always locked we only unlock it to take out the trash. Otherwise it's never open really." He nods showing he understands. I smile and go around cleaning tables and sweeping the floor cleaning the machines and restrooms etc making sure he follows and watches what I do so he'll know how. Once the store is all done and ready for the next day we're back at the front door as I unlock it to leave. "Well that the basics of how to run The Cajun Brew. Seems easy enough right?" I look up at him with a polite smile. "Right. I think I can do it no problem. Do you work tomorrow?" He looks down at me smiling. "No actually. I get weekends off seeing as today is Friday. Mrs.Charlotte says surprisingly Saturdays and Sundays are easy days for her so unless she gets busy and needs me she lets me be off. I'm not sure if she has you on or off cause she may want you on to get more practice or may let you be off since it's the weekend." I tilt my head and look down in thought. "This morning before you got here she told me she would work me like she works you and give me off the weekends unless I'm needed." He smirks down at me as I nod. "Well sweet then enjoy your weekend off Tim." I nod as I walk out the door and hold it open for him to follow. Once he's out I let the door shut and pull out my keys to lock it. "Charlotte trusts you with keys to this place?" He tilts his head slightly. "Well yeah. I've worked with her for a year and a half if I wanted to steal or do anything bad I think I would've done it by now." I chuckle softly and after locking the door I begin walking towards my truck. As I walk through the parking lot I notice my truck is the only vehicle. "Hey uh Tim do you not have a car?" I look up and over at him as he walks beside me. "Nope. I walked here this morning. I have a truck but somethings wrong with it." He shrugged as he spoke like walking to and from work was no biggie to him. I slightly looked down and hesitated answering but I felt bad for him not having a vehicle up and running. "How about if I give you a ride home? Where do you live?" I decided why not. I would hope if the roles were switched he would do the same for me. "That'd be great I really appreciate it. Thank you y/n. I live about 25 minutes from here. Now my house is in a creepy wooded area but I promise it's safe. " "Your welcome Tim. But if a animal attacks me or my truck it's your ass." I smile politely and slightly laugh and unlock the driver door then click the unlock passenger door button. We get into my truck and he starts telling me which turns to make and where to go so I'll know what I'm doing as we pull out of the parking lot.

Sorry it's mostly boring detail and not that great of grammar and word usage but eh. This is my first and I'm really trying.

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