Chap. 6

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The days passed by slowly with Izuku wishing it was Monday already. All For One had yet to tell him just how he planned on training Izuku's quirk but Izuku guessed it had something to do with dying. He didn't know why that thought made him both excited and nervous at the same time. Maybe it was because, wow he finally had a quirk that he could train and the fact that, wow if something goes wrong, he could actually die. And as much as Izuku hated being on this Earth, in this world, he didn't really want to die.

He just wanted a good life. And right now, his life was only decent at best. Sure, he got his quirk, and yes he has people who can help him figure it out, but honestly... he wouldn't mind going out into the world again; going shopping, using his phone, spending time with his mom...

It killed him that he couldn't do any of those things, but he knew that one day he would at least be able to do two of those three. He wouldn't even mind being back in school if it meant he didn't have to spend most of his time couped up in this building. Time was beginning to blur for him and he knew at some point, he wouldn't even be able to keep track of it anymore.

He sighed as he pulled the covers over him and listened to the quiet chirping of crickets outside his window. Today was his last day before quirk training and he tried so hard all day to mentally prepare himself for it. But who could ever mentally prepare themselves to die (probably, he was 99% sure that that was what was going to happen) over and over again?


Soft daylight slipped through the various cracks in his blinds and melodies from birds played outside, waking him up. As beautiful as that sounded as a way to wake up, all he wanted to do was go back to sleep. So he simply kept his eyes shut and waited for sleep to overtake him.

1 minute passed.

2 minutes.

3 minutes.


"Wake up, Midoriya, today's the day I get to see you die again!" A giddy yet bored, which made no sense to Izuku whatsoever, voice sounded from the other side of his closed door.

Izuku breathed out softly and lifted his covers. He sat up so that his legs hung over the edge of his bed and rubbed his eyes, trying to get used to the sudden light that surrounded his room.

Before Izuku could object, his door was being thrust open and there Shigaraki stood in his pajamas, staring at Izuku with a sense of wonder in his eyes. It was very rare that Izuku would ever see Shigaraki in such a happy mood, and to be honest, it freaked Izuku out just a smidge. Shigaraki's father's hand was not on his face, which made Izuku's creeped out-ness lessen.

"So I was right," Izuku muttered to himself. "Of course that's what All For One wants me to do. But am I getting murdered or will I commit suicide? And how painful will the deaths be? Is he gonna go extreme on what he wants to do to me or will he let me die in simple ways? And how many times am I dying in a day? Surely, no more than, two, right? I don't think my head can handle more than two migraines in a day."

"Stop mumbling," Shigaraki said as he crossed Izuku's room.

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Shigaraki and sighed. "It's too early for arguing."

"Chop chop," Shigaraki said and Izuku made a face of disgust.

"Ew," Izuku said as he got up and stretched.

"What? Isn't that what normal people say?" Shigaraki asked. Izuku tilted his head at him and ran a hand down his face in exasperation.

"Don't ever try to be normal like that again," Izuku said. "It doesn't fit you."

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