Chap. 11

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"Were you able to obtain the information necessary for the attack?" Shigaraki asked.

"Yeah, I should be able to tip off the press that All Might is teaching there," Kaminari said. Now, this caught Izuku's interest.

"All Might?" Izuku asked. Shigaraki gave him a sideways glance.

"Why do you think we're trying to infiltrate that damn school? My master wants All Might dead," Shigaraki said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's not my fault that no one told me what was going on," Izuku said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well maybe you would know what was going on if you didn't get in trouble so much," Shigaraki retorted, now facing his entire body towards Izuku.

"It was one time! And it's not like I did anything too bad! When are you going to let this go?" Izuku said.

"When you learn that you're just a kid and need to be more careful!" Shigaraki said. Izuku breathed in a deep sigh and pulled at his hair with one of his hands.

"I'm not just a-"

"Guys, can we get back to the topic at hand?" Kaminari asked. Why was he always cutting Izuku off?

"Shut up, Kaminari," Izuku said. Kaminari held his hands up and leaned back into his chair.

"What's gotten into you, recently, Midoriya?" Shigaraki asked.

What's gotten into him? What's gotten into him? Was Shigaraki really that blind? Couldn't he see that Izuku was struggling and needed some support? He needed a friend, not a brother but Shigaraki just couldn't see that. Izuku huffed and stood up from his chair.

"Leaving so suddenly?" Shigaraki asked. Izuku balled his fists and held his head high as he walked to his room, his face not showing an ounce of emotion.

He shut his door a little too harshly for his liking and took a seat on his bed. Dammit, of course Shigaraki would be the one to make Izuku look as if he's a child having a tantrum. He clicked his tongue and tapped his fingers on his leg. He wasn't going to let Shigaraki get the best of him.

So, he held his head up high, just as he had when he was leaving, and walked back out of his room. As he passed Shigaraki to get to his seat, he made a split second of eye contact with him and firmly sat down, folding his hands on the table in front of him and sitting with perfect posture.

"One minute and three seconds," Shigaraki said.

"I can't believe you were right," Kamanari said.

"I can't believe you two are the same age," Shigaraki said and Izuku saw Shigaraki side-eye him. "These outbursts are nothing new."

That was when Izuku was able to put the pieces together. "Were you guessing about how long it would take me to come back?"

"More or less," Shigaraki said. "Yes."

Izuku debated on glaring at Shigaraki before he decided that he didn't want to give him the satisfaction of feeling right. He didn't want to give Shigaraki the reaction Izuku knew he was hoping for. With Shigaraki, it always felt like he was playing some sort of mind game. Honestly, it felt as if he was using the mind games as a superiority complex to cover up his inferiority complex. Or maybe Shigaraki truly did think he was superior to Izuku and maybe even Kurogiri. Though, in that case, Izuku would have to disagree with the fact. Shigaraki was nothing more than Izuku was; a helpless boy learning how to become a piece of history.

"Midoriya?" Kaminari spoke. Izuku looked over to Kaminari, who now held a smile on his face. "Shigaraki has told me about your quirk before and I was wondering if I could test it out with mine."

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