Chap. 8

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The streets buzzed with human activity and signs of life filled throughout the air. Pink, blue, yellow, red, green, purple, and many more colors caught Izuku's vision as he walked on the crowded sidewalk. People pushed past him, all determined to get to their desired locations and Izuku paid them no mind, for he too, was concentrated on getting to his.

Music blasted through the air and his heart raced with every step he took. His steps matched the rhythm of the loud music. He wasn't wearing a cheap disguise this time, but rather his new villain costume, though he did have a mask in his back pocket. He was tired of hiding, he wanted the world to know who he was, and what better time than now? Although, he didn't really feel like getting caught right now. But his thoughts of wanting the world knowing who he was were pushed aside almost immediately. He brought the mask for a reason. They would know his villain self, not he himself.

But then, was he really a villain, even? He didn't like that term; villain. It didn't sound right on him. So what was he? Was he...? No, no that doesn't fit. Maybe?




He was definitely a visionary. He envisioned the world to fall at his command, did he not? So, therefore, a visionary was a perfect term for who he was. The term felt right to him, it felt like a title he was meant to hold. Like a king, however, he had no kingdom to rule over. Yet. But visionary was what he wanted to be called right now and for a while later.

If he was lucky tonight, he would end up on the news. He could see the headlines now:


He would need a name for himself, something that would catch the public's eye. A name people wouldn't forget. A name that people would whisper in fear or shout in pride. A name that would go down in history forever.

He needn't worry about that now, however. All he needed to worry about was just how he was going to rob whatever store he wished. He didn't know which jewelry store he was going to, or if he was going to rob a jewelry store at all. All he knew was that this was going to be the start of his future. He was going to start off small and work his way up, like every successful leader or, as he better knew, hero, did. He had to admit, even All Might didn't start from the top. All Might had to work for his spot as number one, just as Izuku will have to work for his spot as the ruler of the world.

But now as he thought about it, ruling the world seemed pretty difficult and perhaps he would need someone by his side to accompany him. Someone who he could trust, someone powerful. Or maybe he was being too optimistic. Maybe he really couldn't do this.

Anxiety crept up into his chest and a lump formed in his throat. Of course, he couldn't rule the world. What the hell was he thinking? Then, like a switch, the music became too loud and the lights too bright. His steps slowed as his heart sped up and he barely was able to comprehend where he was walking, or to his dismay, whom he was walking into.

He stumbled back a bit and caught eyes with a stranger. The stranger looked oddly familiar, however. He was around Izuku's age, from what he saw. Then, his eyes widened as realisation dawned on him. This boy, this stranger, wasn't a stranger at all, but a former middle school classmate of his. Izuku's breath hitched.

"Midoriya?" his former classmate asked. "Midoriya, where have you been?"

Izuku swallowed a lump in his throat and didn't waste any time running away from the boy.

This wasn't good.

This was absolutely not good.

All For One is going to have his head if news got out that Izuku was seen. Izuku couldn't concentrate on where he was going, he just kept running, ignoring the muffled shouts of "Midoriya!" from behind him in the crowd. He bumped into more people as he ran, more strangers. Thankfully, this time, actual strangers. They shouted at him for being rude, but their cries fell on deaf ears.

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