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I know the risk of putting this out here, but this is extremely personal, and if you're going to read this please try and contain any sort of snarky remark or harmful intentions with the thoughts you're thinking about typing onto your screen. Thank you for your consideration.

***Trigger Warning***

August 27, 2020

What is emotion?

Emotions are what makes us human.... It's what causes anxiety or abundance of joy to flow through our bodies. It's a result of gut instincts, and pure senses. The same part of the brain that triggers the logic response is connected to the emotion, so it's bound to be a part of us, and the way we think. Take the backfire effect, when some moral or idea is tested by another's theory or opinion dissecting what we identify with...we get anxious, and defensive, and our mechanism is to automatically deflect, and rebuke. That is the same response as if we see an alligator with ten feet long teeth chasing after us, because we look like dinner. The two are intertwined...and make us as a whole. Emotions are what push most of our motives, can be inspirational or faulting, and cloudy. It's what heightens our senses, and bonds our's what makes our favorites, and our's what pushes our growth from pain, and tells us we feel pain. Emotions are a ruler of mankind.

How does emotion affect language?

It varies your tone, how you tell or say the can very obviously show your perception of what you do, and don't accept. It can make you come across as thoughtless, and brash or articulate, and intellectual. When you're happy, and you're texting someone it could result in gurbles or gibberish. When you're angry, and you're yelling at someone it could result in sailor talk or hate speech. It weighs the meaning of your words, and dialect.

What cues or rules have you been taught by your family about the extent to which you can show emotions?

This is going gets very descriptive and nitty-gritty. But let's start off with, I feel it depends on the person who you're speaking to or expressing with. It depends on the environment, and who's saying what. There are certain limitations that I don't agree with and believe should be held when expressing emotions in my family or in general. When a parent or an adult doesn't like something you said, even if you were right they'll blatantly shut you down with, "stay in a kids place!" When a little boy cries, and in response, he's told, "boys don't cry, stop it." Or when a family member sulks or seems sad all the time, because they have no one to talk to and don't feel safe, and they get "pray to Jesus to remove that spirit from you..." or "I'm sick of that!" It's not really an emotionally or verbally safe environment, and often ends up in eruption (such as encounters with me, because I let anger build-up, and don't feel cool enough to talk about how I feel, because it'll be pushed to the side.) " Watch your mouth, and your tone..".It's very much not sugar-coated, and "honest"...but the tough love doesn't work for everyone. Lots of rules, lots of problems....but that's only certain sides. My dad is very open with me and senses when something is off or when I wear a certain facial expression and think I'm hiding it well. He just has a certain way about him, and he'll ask me, and wait patiently...and I feel an overwhelming sense of safety, understanding, and listening from him. I just break out crying and spill all the beans. Same with my grandma...and mature topics with my aunt. With some thought, it feels I have no rights, I need to tape my mouth shut, and leave it shut... It varies....but from everything I've experienced, and be told that is negative...I try not to be, and be that window or shoulder or vent for people who feel comfortable, and vulnerable enough to expose that to me...

What three elements do you think are essential for a human to be healthy in the soul?

Well, exception is definitely a huge thing: exception of identity, knowledge, and history, of options, of choice, and perception.

Peace: such as with realizing you cannot control elements or situations out of your hands. Peace with the troubles, and gifts..with who you are, and what will come.

Love: it being apart of your being mentality, movement, effort, even the smallest things such as completing a project in a subject, and doing your utmost best, listening to a favored song...being exposed to it simply can change a lifetime...knowing it is out there, it is a part of you, and it flows everywhere. Having it for yourself, that you take care uplift, and embrace yourself.

Those are mine...

If anyone experiences any sorts of things that I described up above, please know I'm here for you, and I know how difficult it is, and frustrating, and hurtful it is to go through those things. If you EVER need a person to talk to or vent to, you can reach me on here or at my email melodyangelme(at)   . I love you all, stay safe. Much love. <3          

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