1 Numb 1

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Lyric jogged downstairs stuffing her flask into her bag. "Morning baby.." her mom greeted with tired eyes. Her mom was a nurse. Everyone thinks being a nurse is all that in a bag of chips till they realize how much it drains. "Morning mama." She placed a kiss on her moms cheek. "Good morning my two favorite girls." Her dad smiled.

She sent him a small glance. "Hey." She said blankly taking the 20 her mom left for her on the table. "Lyric Zeya Tahj Bills." Her mother glared at her. Lyric rolled her eyes before facing her dad. "Good morning father." She said plastering on a fake smile. Before he could respond she stood walking past him. "Cj's waiting.." she sighed. "Bye mama." She smiled at her mom ignoring her fathers existence before walking out of the house towards her best friends car.


"Gurl his dick wasn't it, very much 0.7 lead." Cj sighed leaning into his seat. Lyric laughed loudly shaking her head. "Not the pencil lead." She giggled as they pulled up to the school. "Good luck in hell." Cj smirked as she got out. "Your ditching again." She sighed. He nodded flipping on his sunglasses. "Cj! Don't leave meee." She pouted.

"As convincing as the pout usually is babes, I gotta mandatory dick appointment. Ciao!" He blew her a kiss before pulling out. She frowned as he drove off facing the school she hated. She walked in ignoring everyone that attempted to speak to her. (Obviously not a people person)

Just as she wasn't paying attention she bumped into a sturdy figure. She looked up only to see their star-Quarter back Isiah Rasheed. His brown curls draped over part of his eye, his blue eyes blank "Watch it pretty boy." She glared. He only glanced at her. She glared at him once more before walking away.

She huffed heading to her first class.


She sat in boredom watching the boys run up and down the Court. There was a clique of girls who sat behind her snickering. She was used to it so she didn't really care. "To bad her gay boy toy isn't here, I'm pretty sure I made him straight for a day when I wore that pink shorts." Victoria said loud purposely wanting to anger her.

"Sweetie don't flatter yourself, you didn't do anything but make your ass look flatter than it is now." Lyric shrugged leaning forward it bothering to turn and face her what probably was offended glare. "Awwe is miss darkie mad." Her annoying voice rang. "Not really.. oh, and Vicky? Close you close your legs, I didn't purchase the pass to sea world." Lyric glanced back at her with a smirk.

"It's always you dark whores."

"You sounding like a broken record sis, you need some assistance?"

"Shut up!"

"I also couldn't help but notice your breath, it's on the bit of the fishy side.."

Lyric stared at her furious face with amusement. Just then her angered face switched to a smirk. "Hey Isiah!" Victoria called. Lyric glanced at the approaching quarterback. "Hey, what's up?" He asked glancing at Lyric who had turned back around to face the court once more.

"I would be, but that girl has been harrassing me all period.." she put on a frown as he turned to face Lyric. Lyric scoffed smiling. Isiah knew how exaggerating Victoria could be. So he didn't take it too seriously. "Vick just ignore her alright, look I got practice after school so you don't hafta wait on me." He said walking away from her continuing to run on the court.

Victoria frowned bitterly. Lyric only laughed leaning back. "You'll pay bitch." Victoria hissed as the bell rang. "Can't wait till then!" Lyric blew her a kiss as she stood skipping out.


Lyric walked in her house exhaustedly plopping on the couch. She took that moment to chug down her nearly empty flask of tequila. She sighed feeling relaxed. "Lyric? What the hell!" Her father snatched the flask from her hand. "Are you seriously drinking?!" He asked furiously.

She shrugged sitting up. "Why does it matter." She sighed. "Lyric please don't tell me you're on drugs again?" He asked furrowing his brow tears glazing his eyes.

"Alright, I won't." She mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Lyric I'm serious young lady!"

She ignored him getting up tossing her backpack on. "And if I am?? You're gonna tell mama? Send me to rehab again?" She asked raising a brow. "Lyric y-you were getting so much better.." he sniffed. "What, are you crying now?" She laughed bitterly. "Of course I am! Do you not remember how you were last year?? How you used to shake violently!! You promised me- y-you promised your mom.."

Lyric spun around a shower of rage ran over her. "Just like you promised you wouldn't send me there?! Or how you swore to momma you'd stay loyal?! I don't owe you a hair of shit!" She yelled at him tears running down her cheek. She quickly stopped herself from crying wiping her visible tears as her father stared speechless.

"Don't act like you wanna be a daddy dearest now. Don't pretend like you care when I know you couldn't give a single fuck about me." She glared at him before walking up the stairs. "I know it's hard to see, but I love you baby girl.." her father said as she made her way up the stairs. "Fuck you Frank!" She yelled at him slamming her door. She slammed the door tears blurring her vision.

She body trembled as she sobbed violently slipping on the ground. She wrapped herself in a ball sobbing into her knees. She didn't like feeling like this. She hated her emotions. Drugs made her numb and she loved it. Alcohol was just a desperate substitute. But drug? It made her forget.. she stood up dizzily going under her bed into a shoe box of papers. She lifted up the papers to reveal a set of syringes, needles, and arm bands.

She didn't have easy access to pills since she returned from rehab, so she resorted to using her moms old nursing tools and left over stashes her mother never found. She took out the baggie of substance from her mattress placing it in the syringe. She desperately tied the band around her arm where he vain resided. With her shaking hands she injected her veins feeling the drugs pulse into her system.

They took immediate effect. She laid back in bliss feeling the drug s high. She breathed out smiling at the feeling of numbness. She watched the ceiling silently wishing the feeling would last forever. She then took out the needle cleaning it off before placing all of the material back in the box covering it with paper tossing it under her bed.

She stumbled standing up falling onto her bed. She laughed hysterically. A sensation of tranquility washing over her. Relapsing was the best thing she had ever done.


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