29 Recomitt 29

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He stared silently at his phone scrolling through old memories of the he, Bentley, lyric, and Marie a long time ago. He watched as a young Lyric playfully ran round without a care in the world truly happy. He hadn't seen her look that happy in years. He missed his daughter. He had never really been close to Bentley being he wasn't his biological father. He remembered the day they had heard he died. From that moment on Lyric was never the same. He wanted the chance to recommit, but he long understood he had already been given one too any chances and still fucked it up.

He was conflicted. Was it best he stayed out if her life? Or should he have recommitted and tried even harder. Did she even really need him? As he pondered his rang loudly. He looked to see his mothers name flash across the screen quickly answering. "Hello?" He called out hearing shuffling across the phone. "Frank.. there's been an accident.."

He furrowed his brows. "What accident? Is lyric ok?!" He was scared of the possibilities. Scared his daughter had overdosed or worse. He knew she was probably doing constant drugs and she was only getting worse. "It's not lyric.." the 5000 lb weight that seemed to be on his chest lifted as he sighed in relief. "Then who?" He asked. He frowned as ge heard his mother sniffle over the phone. "Marie.. she was involved in a hit n run... it's bad.. No one can get a hold of Lyric, and I don't know where your brother went off to!" She sobbed out.

Frank froze. That couldn't be it. Not Marie. The strongest woman he knew, who would do anything and everything if it meant protecting who she loved. She was too strong.. there was no way.. "W-What hospital-"

"Frank, I've got Marie. You need to get your daughter. Her phones been going straight to voicemail.. it's been one whole day-"

"Why am I only being notified now!"

"You are the last person Marie wants to see right now Frank. Being there when she wakes up won't do anything but make things worse.. right now Lyric needs you more than ever.. the police say they can't do anything till another 24 hours pass.. I can feel something's wrong.. just listen to me son-"

"Isn't that what I do all the time! All I do is listen!! When have you ever listened to me!" Frank snapped shouting loudly as his mothers line stayed quiet. "You think only being here for me now makes up the past!" There was a deafening silence the only sound being his rugged harsh breathing.


"Frank come get food!" His older sister called from the kitchen. A 10 year old Frank  raced down the stairs besides a12year old Cane. "Y'all make sure to wash ya hands and say ya prayer." Frank nodded before looking down at the table where his food sat. Mashed potatoes and microwaved nuggets. He smiled brightly, this was 10x better than tomato soup or oatmeal.

Frank hurried over to the sink washing his hand clean before turning off the tap sprinting back to the table. He quickly sat up on his seat kicking his legs back and forth excitedly. His sister walks in from the kitchen holding a small plate of a small chocolate cupcake with one lone lit candle on it as Cane dimmed the lights.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you.." he smiled as his softly sang walking to the dining table. "Happy birthday dear Franky." He giggled as cane quickly hurried to his side. "Happy birthday to you!" They both sang together as his sister placed down the plate onto the table infront of him.

Frank smiled at her before closing his eyes tightly making a wish. A wish he'd further regret..

Frank and Cane held hands tightly looking at the social worker who walked in and out of the room. The last time she finally walked in an older black woman followed in. "Where's Debbie! Why are we back here? You said Debbie was our new family when we were little!" Cane yelled. Frank clutched onto his brother not wanting to anger these people.

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