15 lucid 15

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"Where am I.." she was in darkness. She could hear Isiah talking. But she couldn't see him. She couldn't feel anything. Just then there was a wide projector in front of her. It began to flash on.

It was a memory.


"Ben I don't wanna go to the barbecue." 9 year old lyric frowned to her 16 year old brother. "Deal wit it tiny." He ruffled her hair. "Stop touchin my damn hair." She huffed glaring up at him. "Hush up brat." He smirked pulling up to their grandmothers house.

They got out ringing the doorbell. The door swings open their aunts arm carrying a tray of dead snow crabs. "Shay if I have to come pick that mess up again imma tear yo ass up! Nae get yo black ass off granny table fo I smack you inna next week!" She hollered at her kids. She then turned to Lyric and Ben.

"Hey my babies!" She kissed their cheek letting them in. It was crowded there were kids running around and teens on the couch on their phones a bunch of family members focused on the game. Outside was 10x worse. Just then their grandma approaches them pulling them into a tight embrace.

"My granbabieeesss, my y'all are growin uppp how old are you again Bennie, 12?"

"I'm 16 mawmaw."

"Lookin just like yo momma! Y'all go on and get ya self a plate."


It had been a good hour Ben was playing football out in the backyard with their cousins. Lyric was currently helping her grandmother clean up after everyone's plates. She didn't like being in crowded places and the kitchen was the only empty place.

"Imma go use the restroom." young Lyric said stepping off the stool her grandma nodding. Lyric wasn't familiar with the place, but she knew the restroom was somewhere upstairs. Her grandma's house was usually crowded all her family came here so she tried her best to avoid it.

She stumbles into a bedroom where her uncle Cane was. He sat on the bed naked. She quickly turned around apologizing as she was about to walk out when her uncle grabs her roughly locking the door. She begins to scream desperately hoping someone would hear her. Her uncle stuffs her mouth with some type of cloth tossing her on the bed.

She quickly tries to remove the cloth and get away from him, but he pins her down a wicked smile spread across his face. "You look so much like yo momma.." his errie voice whispered into her ear. She whimpered shaking in fear as his hand reached down into her pants causing her to sob harder.

She prayed. Prayed for some type of miracle. Prayed that someone anyone would hear her cries. But no one did. No one was listening. No one helped. She was alone.


She shook on the floor violently, she was naked curled up into a ball. Her other Aunt Cassie walks in laughing till her eyes land on Lyric. Cassie shuts the door behind her helping Lyric up. "Who did it baby girl?" She asked concerned. Lyric couldn't speak all she could do was shake. Trembling in fear she tried to make out her uncle's name.

When Cassie understood who she said she swallowed hard. Her face looked conflicted. Like she couldn't do anything. "Hold on baby.." she rustled through her purse pulling out a pill bottle.  She took three of them out placing them in lyrics trembling hands.

"This'll make it all better..." she smiled. Lyric looked down before hesitantly stuffing them in her mouth swallowing. Just then she felt a wave of relaxation. It felt good. It felt numb. She liked it. "Listen well Lyric. No one will ever believe you. That's the truth. Don't mess up this family more than it already is."

Lyric nodded gently. "C-can I have more for home?" She asked as Cassie began to dress her back up. "..fine.. but you gotta hide it from your momma and Ben.."


11 year old lyric sat uncomfortably at the thanksgiving table her uncles gaze making her nauseous. "C-can I use the bathroom gran?" She asked clearing her throat. "Of course baby."

She quickly rose walking to the restroom. "I forgot something in the bedroom." Her uncle's voice announced. She picked up her pace rushing over to the restroom hoping she could get in before he caught up.

She couldn't. He entered the restroom with her locking the door behind him. "You should know better than to run Lyric.. your so beautiful..." she cringed at his words backing up onto the wall. Her name sounded horrid in his mouth. It made her skin crawl.

He then grabbed her, she struggled trying to fight back. He then slammed her onto the sink bending her over as she sobbed softly. She sobbed harder when she heard him unbuckling his belt. "Be a good girl for uncle and stay quiet.."


15 year old lyric sat boredly in rehab fiddling with her clothes. "Lyric you have a visitor." A counselor said entering her rehab bedroom.she furrowed her brows confused. Her mom had visited yesterday, so who else was visiting her.. she hoped it was her dad. She hadn't seen him in months and she missed him dearly.

Just then the counselor brought in her Uncle. Her hopeful eyes went dull as her uncle smiled slyly. "Can you leave us be?" Her uncle asked the counselor nodded smiling. "No! Don't leave me in here with him PLEASE!!" She began to sob clutching onto her counselors arm desperately.

Her counselor yanked her arm away glaring at her. "I can only cover you for an hour dude." She turned to her uncle. "That's more than enough time.." he smirked. She froze in disbelief dropping to her knees. Tears ran down her cheek as her counselor left locking the door.

"I missed you sugar.."


She shook in the corner of her room wrapped into a ball naked. She wanted drugs she wanted them now. She needed them. She was itching, bad. Itching to the point of bleeding.


(All of this are just memories)

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