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Frank sped down the street in the rental he managed to buy last second. He had to get there now, something was off and he knew it. He pulled up to the large mansion parking his car looking up at the house. He prayed he was doing the right thing, for the sake of his baby girl. He quickly got out the car walking up to the front door. Hesitantly he rang the doorbell that chimed gloomily. He listened as shuffling approached the door, before it swung open to reveal an older man that was heavily bruised. He stayed silent staring down Frank.

Frank cleared his throat breaking the tense silence. "Hi, I'm Frank. Does an Isiah live here?" Frank asked curiously. "That boy took off a while ago, you should too." The man sighed attempting to shut the door.
Frank quickly stuck his foot in between the door preventing it from closing. "At least give me his number, I- I really need to speak with him.."

Isiah sat in the slightly busy park watching as mothers walked their children's side and kids chased each other gleefully. He sighed softly. He decided this was probably the best way to spend his last day before leaving for New York to stay with his mothers Brother, his uncle, Marco. Originally his uncle never kept in contact because of his father, but as he grew he reached out.

Because of his fear for his father Isiah refrained from ever responding, but with the current events Isiah reached out and explained everything he could to his uncle. To get away from his father and better himself he requested to stay with his uncle till he was truly prepared to be off on his own. His uncle was thrilled and instantly agreed. Today would be his last day before departing for New York.

He sighed softly. He didn't know how to spend his last days home. He most definitely didn't want to see his father or Victoria, so he left home. He knew that baby in Victoria wasn't his, so there was no way he'd stick around to see it born. He felt bad, not for leaving Victoria, but for leaving the innocent baby with her.. He thought about maybe getting custody of the kid, since she wanted it be his so bad, and giving the kid to a family member on his mom side who'd really care for it. In the very end that would require him to stay, and there was no way he'd do that.. unless..

He leaned back looking at the sky. There was nothing he could really think of. He wasn't really close with anyone at school, and with him missing so many days as is, he wasn't attached to the school either way. There was nothing here for him. Except Lyric.


These days she plagued his mind more than usual. He wondered how she was. She was the only thing keeping him here. Like a thin strand of rope. It was best he left. For her and for himself. Her addiction has such a nasty hold on her, she needs to focus on her well being and getting better. He'd cheer her on from a far.

He often spoke to her mother checking in her from a far, but recently he hasn't been able to get a hold of her. He thought maybe he should pay a visit, but with the way he's treated her.. he couldn't bare to face her.. if she were any worse than he last saw her.. he wouldn't be able to handle it. Seeing her, he knew he'd end up staying just for her and that's not what either of them needed..

Cj looked at his parents before passing them a sheet of paper. "You- your pressing charges? I knew you'd understand." His mom smiled. "There we go, don't worry son we'll get you the best lawyer money can buy and-"

"I'm pressing charges on Frank grooming and defamation of character for myself. I've had time to think. I've seen the eyes of my best friend and what I did to her.. after I press charges I'm leaving. I'm gonna go stay with Aunty Layla. She's also offered to help cover the fee for therapy."


"I'm not finished yet." Both his mother and father went silent. "I don't blame anyone for this except Frank, myself and you two. My whole life my sexuality was your shame. You did any and everything to hide it. The reason why I felt so special with Frank was because he accepted it.. you both hated that your only child was a sissy boy. You would have done anything to change that.. You started leaving me longer at Lyrics house with Frank because all of a sudden you believed he could make a man out of me."

"He could fix the faggot blooming in your son. For you two I rejected everything about myself. I fought hard to just stay gay and not make anything else harder for you. Everything I did was an embarrassment.. Mom.. I was 12 years old.. You saw it. At first I thought it was my imagination, but as tears went away and the more I scanned that memory I know what I saw. You saw what Frank was doing.." his father turned to his mother looking at him in bewilderment.

"Christopher I-"

"And the thing was.. you liked it. You liked seeing your son like that because you believed it would fix me.. but instead of the fixing you desired it only broke me further.. Dad I love you. I don't know if you'll ever come to love me, but I love you. Though you were conflicted about my identity you still chose to raise me the best you could.. but it just.. wasn't enough.."

Tears fell down his dads cheek as his mother Buried her face into her hands. "I'll be 18 in two months, but that's too long for me.. I can't wait that long to fix myself. Auntie Layla helped hire a Lawyer for me and I'll be working at her nail shop till I repay what I owe.. I'm leaving today, you can keep everything here.. I'm starting anew.." Cj stood up slowly pushing in his seat. "I'll be bringing by the emancipation papers next week." Without another word he walked out of the place he once knew as his home..

Victoria laughed hysterically replaying her recent crime in her head. She was filled with such a buzz it was unbelievable. She rubbed her bulging stomach smiling eerily. "Babyy~" she sang in a whisper tone. "Mommies got plans for you.• she smiled. "Do you now." She quickly whipped her head only to see her mother walking through the front door. "Ugh, didn't I say I don't want to see you-" before she could finish her mom slipped out a pistol from her back waistband.

"What's this?" Victoria asked smirking. "I saw the state of the car, and I've heard what happened to that poor Ms. Marie.. what have you done?"

Victoria laughed hysterically leaning her head back as her eye's watered in hilarity. "When have you ever cared about what I've done momsy." She leaned back into her seat. "Tell me you aren't the reason that woman's in the hospital. Tell me it's a coincidence." Victoria shrugged yawning. "Why lie." She smiled. Her mother blinked away her threatening tears. "So have you come to end me? Or do you need some help?"

To be continued..

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