5 Showtime 5

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Lyric laughed shaking her head as Cj and her walked into the high school. Her face then went a bit blank dropping her smile. She had remembered yesterday she found a used condom and a keychain on the couch. "My dad is sleeping with other woman again.." she sighed.

Her father had cheated a few years back at that time her mother caught him. Her mother had filed for a divorce, with persistent begging and pleading her father was able to get her mother's forgiveness. Lyric resented her father. For putting her mother through so much pain as to where she had a miscarriage. For betraying her trust. For putting his urges above his family. This played a part in her addiction.

Cj seemed to tense up a bit looking down at her. "H-how do you know?" He asked clearing his throat. She then proceeded to bring out the keychain from her bag. "There was this and a used condom." She fiddled with the keychain sighing. Cj faced flashed with shock cursing under his breath. Lyric furrowed her brows confused "what?" She asked frowning.

"N-nothing it just looks fimiliar.." Cj smiled sheepishly shrugging. Lyric shrugged stuffing away the keychain. "I can't believe I thought he could change.." she glared at her hands angrily. She felt stupid for actually thinking he could improve on himself. He was a pathetic excuse of a father and a husband and that's all he would ever be.

"Anyways girlie, I gotta go talk to Ms.Windmills stank ass, I'm finna catch you later." Cj said as he walked away. She waved him off yawning as she walked towards her first period. She walked into the classroom sitting in her usual spot in the back corner. She happened to have class with Isiah who she coincidentally hated. He was so.. perfect. He already had a full ride scholarship for football, his dad was an accomplished millionaire, and his girlfriend was the prettiest girl in school. He had a nice life. She was honestly jealous. She envied his happy go lucky life. And for that.. she resented him.

Just as she was staring his eyes caught hers. She quickly looked away still feeling his eyes on her. Lately he had been looking at her a lot and she didn't know why. She sighed laying her head on her arms. Her high was dying off and she hated it.


She sat annoyed. Cj had left school early for whatever reason, so she was left to deal with the pep rally on her own. Cheerleaders we're whooping and hollering as the dance team was breaking it down. Just then all the music faded off and the cheerleaders/dancers quickly exited the stage. Victoria then came out in her rather short cheerleading outfit a mic in hand as the projector rolled down.

"I'm sorry to interrupt guys, but the photography Committee has a special project to present. So please turn all your attention to the projector and.."Victoria smirked glancing at Lyric. "Enjoy."

Lyric rolled her eyes leaning back as the projector came on and a video began to play. There was a large amount of gasping and chattering. It was a video of two guys fucking on the couch. They looked so familiar to Lyric. Her mouth dropped realizing it was Cj and her dad. Her heart sunk to the pit of her stomach tears glazing over her dad. "I didn't know your dad went both ways Lyric."  Victoria said into the microphone making the group of jocks in the front burst out laughing.

She felt frozen, she could taste the bile rising from her throat. The teachers were scurrying around uselessly trying to figure out how to turn off the video. She quickly stood sprinting out of the gymnasium desperately. She busted into the bathroom falling on the toilet vomiting into the toilet bowl. Tears ran down her cheek as she leaned back. Cj was the only person she could truly count on. This whole time whenever he skipped school he was.. with her dad. Even right now.

She was hurting. She was hurting so much. She needed to feel numb. She stumbled up walking out of the restroom. Luckily everyone was still in the gymnasium so the hallways were empty. She was trying her hardest not to break down. She ran. She ran to her house. She stood in the driveway spotting Cj's car. She quickly opened the door shutting it behind her.

She could hear the bed squeaking and Cj's moans from downstairs. She yanked out the keychain from earlier heading up the stairs quietly. Her face was blank. Her heart throbbed in pain tears still running down her cheek. She finally stood at the door frame of the room where her mom and dad slept. Where he was fucking Cj. They were so busy fucking to notice her presence.

She laughed bitterly catching their attention. Cj quickly stood up covering his private parts while her dad yanked the covers over himself. "Just when I thought you couldn't be anymore sorry." She shook her head wiping her tears. "L-l-lyric listen-" she interrupted him with her laughter. She laughed historically tears running down her cheek as she laughed harder.

"Babygirl.." her dad spoke. She then stopped laughing looking at him with a blank expression. "Cj.. get out." She glanced at him tossing him his keychain. "Lyric please-"

"Get. the. fuck. out."she gritted through her teeth. Cj hesitantly picked up his clothes walking past her shooting her a sorrowful glance as he walked away. She then turned to her father who had now thrown on a robe. "How long."


"How fucking long."

"Since rehab.. y-you were gone and he was guilty so I-"

"So you cheated again this time with my gay best friend."

"Lyric baby I'm so sorry."

"You always are."


"You're sorry. Your a sorry excuse of a father and a husband."

"I'm sorry what else can I do to prove it to you!" He yelled finally a bit fed up.

"Actually fucking mean it you fucking deadbeat! Mean your apologies! Stay loyal to your fucking wife!" She yelled back furiously. "Deadbeat?"

Lyric laughed bitterly shaking her head. "Lyric baby, I've always been there for you.." he began to approach her. She clutched herself tightly shaking her head. "Where were you when mom had the miscarriage? Where were you when Ben died? Where were you the day I was raped? Where were you when I was in rehab?! Where were you?!!" She screamed sobbing.

There was a long pause of silence her father could say nothing just look guilty. "So yes. Fucking deadbeat." She wiped her tears. Just then Her father attempted to hug her. She pushed him off roughly quickly running into her room. She slammed the door locking it. Her body shook as she sobbed. She quickly yanked out the shoebox box from under her bed.

She scattered the content of the box prepping her arm with the band. Without hesitation she injected herself the substance slowly leaking into her vein. She sighed as the feeling of sensualness overtook her. She then slipped into sleep.

Until next time loves💕

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