32- Semi final pt.3 -32

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TW: This chapter contains sensitive material including strong themes, strong language, drugs, SA, and triggering material. Feel free to skip to the summary if you ever feel so. Take caution reading, THESE EVENTS ARE PURELY CREATED, this about a completely fictional character.


There she stood, her once vibrant skin dulled, her eyes lowerd and her face scrunched in pain. Her body hunched hugging herself as she shivered and whimpered. He was shocked that she was even on her feet. He rushed towards her pulling her into his arms slamming the door behind him with his foot. He hurried to her couch ignoring the foul stench of the room.

He helped lay her out, taking out his phone ready to dial 911. Just as he was in the process he spotted the source of the smell. There laid the body of a lifeless man. Who had his pants to his ankle, his stomach was stabbed messily, blood surrounded him, and his eyes were open wide. "L-Lyric.." he could barely get out his words trying to still the urge to vomit.

"I fought him back.." she rasped out so low it was almost unintelligible. But he understood. With those words he understood everything. This was the man who destroyed her innocence. He tried once again and Lyric defended herself. "I need to pee.." she rasped out as tears ran down her cheek. Without a word he picked up bridal style carrying her to the bathroom. He placed her on the toliet before stepping out to let her have her privacy.

He needed to get rid of the body. That was the very least he could do for her.. If he called the police it would be manslaughter at best, worst a plea deal with life in prison. He couldn't bear imagining that for her.. he pushed her back to drugs, if he had only stood up for himself from the start.. he could have been happy. She could have been happy. Just then the bathroom door swung open Lyric leaning for support still clutching her body. "I'm sorry.." she apologized. He furrowed his brows ready to protest.

"I'm a piece of shit.. I mess things up.. I love drugs.. I don't think I can stop.." she heaved through soft scratchy sobs. His eyes softened at her. "Lyric-"

"I've only been a pain. I wasn't supposed to be here.. the night of my overdose.. I.." her voice cracked to silence before she began to recall.


Thirteen year old Lyric leaned against the wall of her dads bedroom. Her hand shook gently as she held two pregnancy test that she had stolen from her mom's closet. She knew her mom kept some in there just incase if anything, but bring her dad had been kicked out for cheating she had no use for them.

She bit her lip anxiously as she began to slowly flip over the test. Her heart sunk down to her stomach immediately she felt nauseous. Her hands trembled as her blurred vision focused on the two bold positives of the test in her hands. Like hot coal she dropped the taking to her feet as she paced. The tears had already began falling. How was she supposed to go on living?

She was now hold the abomination of her uncles child. She couldn't think straight, the drugs she had taken earlier weren't helping. Like a sudden wave realization swept she kneeled to the ground heaving heavy breaths. Her thoughts were scattered and erratic. She needed to feel better, she didn't want to feel like this. She wanted to be numb.. she needed to be numb... she lunged up with all her strength rushing to her moms cabinet.

She ravaged through her moms cabinet desperately in search of something strong. She screamed loudly throwing all the pills to the ground in frustration. She then turned to her dads cabinet banging on it hard in utter disparity as she began to sob loudly. Looking up she noticed something in her dads cabinet. She furrowed her brows to see a pipe of some sort a needle and a spoon scattered through it. She knew her dad smoked weed from time to time, but she never knew he did anything else.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2022 ⏰

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