22 I love her 22

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Isiah made his way towards lyrics front door. He had noticed lately she had been sadder than usual. And whenever he tried to dig deeper and voice the obvious change she'd reject his claim and change the topic frequently. He hoped it was nothing and decided not to press more not wanting to force her to open up if she didn't want to. He hoped his future actions would lift her mood. His phone then rang. It was Victoria. weirdly she hadn't been bothering him since their last encounter three months ago. He hoped that was the last he'd have to see of her, but he knew he was asking for a lot. He declined her call turning off his phone.

nothing could ruin this moment, he had to make this perfect. he glanced down at the bouquet of hydrangea's which he knew was lyrics favorite flowers. It was the last day of spring break. Today he planned on finally telling lyric how he felt. the last three months were the happiest he had been in years. Lyrics presence brought a smile to his face regardless of his mood. she made him happy. he's never felt so strong about anyone in his entire lifetime. it was time he let her know.

he knocked on her door hiding the flowers behind his back. The door swung open to reveal a yawning Lyric wearing a sports bra and spandex shorts. he swallowed hard his eyes running up her body, he knew she had a nice body but he never really saw it because she usually wore baggy vintage punk clothing. Now that he saw it, it only made him more interested. "Isiah? what are you doing here?" she asked furrowing her brows with a small pout. He frowned at her tasteless reaction. "Am I bothering you." he asked stepping back. "What? n-no, never. I just wasn't expecting to see you." she took his free hand gently pulling him in. he sighed shaking off his doubt. he then revealed the vibrant colorful bouquet of hydrangea's to her. Lyric smiles as her eyes land on the bouquet. "Isiah.. what's this for.." she smiled brightly looking up at him.

"Its a proposal to take you out." he smiled. She smiled wider making his heart pound harder than before. "Im not even dressed as well as you." she laughed at her clothes. "I'll wait for you to change." he cleared his throat smiling. "Where are we going?" she asked curiously. "Surprise." he smirked. She rolled her eyes giggling. "Okay, let me put these in a vase and go change." she smiled before jogging up the stairs. He smiled widely mentally patting himself on the back. He sat down on the couch waiting for her to come down. 10 minutes passed by before he heard her coming down the stairs. "I'm ready." he turned to see her.

his mouth dropped in awe as she walked down the stairs. Lyric wore a tight fitted baby blue tube dress,  blue brown wedges, small studded earings, her long blond braids tied up beautifully. "What?" she asked as she got to the bottom of the stairs walking up to him. "You look beautiful." he smiles. She blushes clearing her throat. "Well its not everyday I throw on a dress." she joked. he chuckled nodding. He then held out his arm for her to wrap her arm around. "Shall we go?" he asked proper accent. she giggled smiling, "We shall."


Lyric smled as Isiah led her the carnival pier. "I figured instead of some shammy fancy dinner we do something you've always wanted to do." he smiled. Lyric hugged him ightly squealing. "How did you even know!" she asked him looking up at him. "I heard you talking with your mom." he hugged her back. "Thank you so much." she beemed. he chuckled. she then took his hand leading to the first stand.

They enjoyed the carnival thouroughly. They rid the thrilling rides, they played the ripped off carnival games, but suprisingly Isiah was really good at them and won lyric quite a few prizes. They ate the fatty carnival food and rode the ferris wheel. It was a day to remember.

They sat in the car laughing back and forth all of their prizes piling in the backseat of his car. "this was amazing, I had an amazing time.." Lyric sighed leaning back into the passangers seat. "Well, were not done yet. we have one more destination." he smiled pulling out of the carnival lot. "One more? where are we going?" she asked turning to face him with a small smile. "youll see." he smirks.

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