23 Once an Addict.. 23

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Lyric sat solemnly on her chair ignoring her mother who scurried about throwing on her scrubs. "I'll be back tomorrow night, lock the doors and lunch's in the fridge." Her mother scurried before immediately leaving the house leaving her the inescapable thoughts. "There has to be something up.. Isiah would never love her.. we spoke about her a month ago, he hates her... and what he said on the beach, it couldn't be a lie.. it couldn't." She laid back in frustration

She huffed glancing around at her empty kitchen fiddling with the top of her shirt. She couldn't shake the feelings she had. There was something wrong, she saw it in his eyes.. for that split second as those painful words left his mouth. Regret, pain, apologeticness. She quickly rose to her feet. She couldn't just sit around. She had to try at least one more time.. she wanted answers.. she needed to know the truth.

She quickly went to her phone scrolling through their messages to his address. He had told her his address in case of emergencies. She wanted to hear it straight from his mouth, with just them. She quickly threw on her hoodie jogging out of her house. She'd take an Uber to his place.


She stood outside infront of his house doors. She itches her arm roughly taking deep breaths. Drizzling rain feel thunder clapping throughout the sky lightning quickly followed. She was contemplating going through with her descion. What if he said what she didn't want to hear? What if he explained that he was confused? She was afraid. She didn't know if she could bare to hear the wrong thing.. but still.

Slowly her hand outstretched gently knocking the door in front of her. She fiddled with her jacket lace, she glanced behind her seeing the light flash of lightning in the night sky.

It was going to storm. She let out an exasperated sigh turning to walk away, "ma'am?" She froze in her tracks. The voice was unfamiliar. Someone more grown. She turned to face the unrecognizable voice. It was an older man. She swallowed hard concluding who she knew it to be, "Um hi, you must be Isiah's dad. I'm-"

"Lyric." He smiled. She furrowed her brows slightly. "Isiah mentioned you a few times." She plastered on a fake smile as he smiled. "Would you like to come inside?? I'd feel guilty if you catches a cold in this rain." He smiled stepping back inviting her inside. She glanced behind her hesitantly walking into the house.

He walked her to the kitchen pulling out a seat for her. She glanced at him before taking a seat thanking him. "So what brings you here?" He asked taking a seat to the left of her placing down a tray of cookies and cheese, a bottle of bourbon completely untouched on the side. "Uh, I wanted to speak with Isaiah." She cleared her throat plastering on a fake smile.

"He won't be home till 6:30 so you'll have to wait." He said as he opened the glass bottle of bourbon pouring it in two small glasses.  "You can wait if you'd like." She twirled the strings to her hoody looking at her lap before nodding. There wouldn't be any harm in waiting. He smiled sliding a glass to her. She glanced up at him furrowing her eyes deeply.

"What's the matter??" He asked taking a sip of his own glass. "I-I can't drink." She swallowed hard her mouth salivating at the whiff of bourbon. "Ah that's right, I keep forgetting you guys are so young." He laughed taking the glass back. "It must be even worse with your addiction." She froze looking up at him. "Isiah told you??" She asked frowning. "Oh yes, he told me a lot. He was trying so hard to get you in bed."

Her jaw tightened at his words. "He wouldn't do that. Maybe you don't know because you're too busy beating your son black and blue, but Isiah isn't like that." She glared at him. "How I discipline my son is none of your concern little missy. You sit here defending him when you don't even truly know who your defending." He chuckled. She glared harder leaning back.

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