"Chapter 6; Fear "

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Trigger warnings: child neglect, unhealthy coping mechanisms, fears/phobias, kidnapping, child abuse (maybe?), etc.

Let me know if I should add to the list.


A wise man once said "Everyone is scared of something, even if they refuse to acknowledge it."

Another wise man once said "Fear itself doesn't make you a coward. Inaction does."

Both men were very right.

All the Neverland Rebels feared something— whether it was a rational fear or not—and they all had a reason.

Uma was scared of being alone and never being loved by her mother. Her mother had yelled and ignored her, and left her alone for so long and she had already been kind of alone before that. She had never had friends and after her mother stopped spending time with her, she began to fear that her mother would never love her and that she'd be alone forever.

Harry was scared of the dark and not being good enough for his loved ones. He had always been scared of not being good enough, especially because he was sick in the head, and had never been fond of the dark. His fear of the dark only worsened when he got kidnapped by rival pirates when he was three years old while playing in a port that the Jolly Roger was docked at. The rival pirates had tied him up, gagged him, blindfolded him, and thrown him in the cold, pitch black brig. He couldn't see anything, say anything, or move at all, and the only time anyone came to the brig was to mock him. They'd say the meanest and nastiest things that terrified the small boy; they had him for a week before his dad finally caught up with them.

His dad untied and ungagged him but left the blindfold on, and told him to focus on the sound of his voice as he carried him back to their ship. Harry vaguely remembered the sound of screaming, swords clashing, and guns going off around them as he did.

Gil was scared of Lightning, thunder, storms, and losing his brothers. His fear of storms, thunder, and lightning all came from the same incident; when he was 4, he had a nightmare and went to his parents' room because he was scared and crying. He slept in their bed that night and it's a good thing he did because if he hadn't, he wouldn't be here today. Because that night, a horrible storm fell over their village and a tree flew through the window of his bedroom—crushing his tiny little bed.

The whole family woke up to one of his grandparent's servants screaming after she went to check on him while doing her daily rounds. He (and his family) had been scared of storms ever since. Meanwhile, his fear of losing his brothers came from losing literally everyone else in a short span of time in his short life. He didn't want to lose them or his friends.

Harriet was scared of being alone, unloved, and isolated. She was scared of being alone and isolated because for a while, she had been—when she first came to Neverland and she had, had to fend for herself. She had absolutely hated it and never wanted to relive it. And she was scared of being unloved because if her father really didn't love her anymore that meant that no one was looking for her.

Sammy was scared of flying, heights, and drowning. He was scared of flying and heights because of his near fatal flight to Neverland, and he was scared of drowning because of that time he nearly got drowned by a mermaid.

Junior and Bronze were both scared of storms, being left behind/abandoned, and being ridiculed. They were scared of storms because Gil nearly died because of one and everytime a storm rolled in, they were reminded of the near Loss of their dear little brother. They always had to be around Gil when a storm was happening or they'd start to panic. They were scared of being left behind/abandoned because of their father's disappearance which also played into their fear of being ridiculed because people started to ridicule them and their family after he did.

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