Peligrosa 35

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Lisa manoban

"Lalice let's talk" premiera uno said as I am now seeing a several mens that are actually entering in the room that I was staying in. They're now getting the men who is believably the said  fiance of miss Kim.

"I believe you should take care of your fiance premiera uno . Don't waste your precious time just to have a talk to your mistress" I said as I am now standing up to go to the balcony , I don't want to see her. I don't want to see her seeing me hurt . I don't want to tell her my emotions.

"Lalice , don't make me force you just we can have a private talk" she said that made myself grin to what she said .  A private talk huh?

"You can talk to me later premiera uno , just please take care of your fiance first. After all I'm just your loyal mistress" I said and made my way to the bedroom of the suite.

I heard that she huffs out a breath , an obvious devastation and frustration can be heard from her , but I was trying to be  ignorant about it. But then I heard no one anymore . No more forcing  . As the door closes I thought they all leave , and left me all alone but I was wrong.

I am now seeing premiera dos settling some of the clothings and jewelries on the table , and a several handy masks with a glorious design , and a hint of sexiness can be seen through the luscious external designs of the masks .

I am now looking at her questionably as she is now acting her hands up as if she's letting me to come near her and sit with her. As she clears her throat before she spoke the words.

"Premiera uno wants you to go to the Celebración de Bluema later" premiera dos said as she is now preparing her dress and handy mascara for the said event . I am now thinking. Can I do this? But then I don't have the courage to face her and her upcoming announcement of engagement .

"Is she forcing me to go?" I asked and she just typically nodded her head as she is now choosing the dress and masks that she's going to wear .


"You can't force me to go premiera dos, I'm really sorry" she huffs out of breath as she is now devastated to face me and keeps on  forcing me to go to the celebration . For petes sake she is forcing me for a few hours and she can't seem to find the buttons to push me and drag me to the event later at the main Hall of the hotel.

"Lalice if you want to be saved by Uno , please just follow me and she'll help you" help me? What? What is she talking about all of a sudden?

"What if I tell you that I am now planning to escape later while she's enjoying her night on the said event?" I said that made her shut her mouth and looks at me . 

"Premiera dos , I'll find my own way to be able for me to escape  to all of you. And later is the only opportunity that I can see to finally make it " the words that just came out from my mouth made a silence in a hotel room . Not even a single breath from the both of us can be heard . My palms are sweating due to the decision that I have to make later . Later is my only chance to get away from her , to be far away from her. I decided on my own after knowing that premiera uno is announcing her engagement later at that event , I don't want to hear the details of it. Any of it . I don't want to hear something from her  . I don't need her explanation. I----- I don't need her to be with me.

"Lalice" her voice quickly made a change from encouraging to sternum , she is now looking at me with those eyes that if I wasn't be able to look away,  I am now burning , making a contact with her made me look that is  disabled for me to speak more to my own accord.

"You knew how she gets angry easily right?" She asked but then there's no riposte coming from mine. I wasn't be able to speak more because I wasn't sure with what am I going to do later.

"Lalice I won't tell everything to premiera uno. I will act like I didn't heard any of your scheme for laters event" she said that made me shut up. Should I write a farewell letter for her? Should I say goodbye? Should I say that I fell for her whenever she is showing me her defectious side ?

"Premiera dos , please tell her that I wanted to say thank you for everything and especially to you . For protecting me earlier from the  upcoming danger " I said as it seems like I won't be able to look at her .

Premiera dos is the person who seems to be the approachable one and a person who can keep you entertained with everything.

"Good luck with the escape plan of yours then" she said that made me smile , and as she is now fully prepared for the event she is noe making her way out of the hotel room that I was staying in.

"Premiera dos!" I shouted before she can pull the door close , tilting her head to face me with an apparent questionable look on her face , I smiled then bid her a proper thanks and goodbye.

"Keep safe premiera dos , and please don't leave uno by her side . Please stay with her as long as you can" I retorted but then she smiled . Her smile was kinda surprising for me since I've alway seen her wearing her expressionless face . But nevertheless I hope that the escape plan that I was planning for myself can actually exceed properly.


Jennie kim

"What the hell have you done Brandon" I'm trying to control myself as I am now clutching my hand to the wine glass that I'm holding . A small smirk was the only riposte that I received from him that made me wanted to smash his face with the glass that I was holding.

"I made an early announcement honey . What's wrong with that?" He asked as his right leg is getting a treatment from the gunshot that was made by premiera dos earlier. I made a mental note myself to promote premiera dos on a higher position on the other outlets of the organizations businesses. She made me proud.

"It is supposed to be announce at the exact time of the said event " I retorted but then the silence is now engulfing the corners of the office that we are currently staying.

"Did you miss patrice?" A sudden retort made myself to look at him with faint of an obvious smile om his face . I won't be surprise to myself if the anger that I was controlling a while ago may burst in front of him.

"No" I said that made his smile fades away. Of course I wouldn't let him know that I missed my deceased mistress . No one will know what is the hidden emotions that I felt with patrice a few years ago. She is now safe on my haven . She is now sleeping peacefully on my place.

"My bad , oh I almost forgot about your pretty mistress from a while ago honey" he said that made myself throw the wine glass that I was holding .

"Don't touch her brandon"

"I won't be able to control myself to kill you in front of your men"

A/N: hello guys . I'm sorry in advance if the update for today is kinda messed up since I am now preparing for the last packages for the donations of the affected people from the province of Cagayan and Tugegarao in the Philippines . My mind can't seems to get off of the thought that the people are crying and starving to death. Prayers are needed. Please be safe everyone and don't you skip your meals , and please take care of your health.

Peligrosa La Aventura[Currently in the process of editing]-on goingWhere stories live. Discover now