Chapter 9

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*A picture of Dan at the top*

You will face many defeats in Life, but never let yourself be defeated.

Maya Angelou


The next day I woke up to loud screams coming from outside the house. The pack was a complete disaster. There were people yelling outside and children crying.

I ran downstairs quickly to see what was happening. I was shocked when I saw three of the warriors that were patrolling the border at night dead. They had no physical injury, they looked like they were sleeping but without a pulse.

“What is this? What happened here?” I asked a lump stuck in my throat.
I felt something was going to happen, I knew they were going to attack soon but not in this way.

“We found them like this five minutes ago" One of the guards said " the Alpha is on his way".

When Dan arrived I knew the look on his face. He was worried. He also knew this was some sort of warning. He knew we were going to get attacked anytime soon.

After taking the guards to the hospital to determine the cause of death, I went with Chris and Dan around the pack lands to check if there are more threats.

As we walked through the forest, the Air started turning gloomy. I could feel there is a strange power surrounding us.

“Do you guys feel that?" I asked in a low voice "I think we should head back and get ready. I feel they might attack anytime soon. The air around here feels suffocating” I whispered to Dan and Chris.

As if on cue five rogue wolves jumped in front of us snarling at us followed by two witches and one warlock.

To say they look scarey was an understatement. They were terrifying. The rogues smelled filthy and had red scarey eyes. The witches looked mean dressed in all black. The warlock on the other hand had a frightening aura around him. He was wearing a long black cloak with a black hood covering his face.

I mind linked the delta “Prepare for the fight now! They are here. Hide the kids and elderly.”

Something in me exploded with the presence of the witches. I felt an immense power grow inside and was clawing at me to be let out.

Chris and Dan transformed on the spot and charged at the rogues. Eyeing the witches I noticed they are casting a spell.

I attacked them in human form before they could hurt the others. To my surprise they tried spells on me but nothing happened. Whatever they were doing to me felt like the poking of small needles but I could handle it.

Their eyes widened in surprise when they saw I was not affected. I grabbed the first witch, as my claws elongated from my hands and I dug them in her neck ripping her neck out.

The second witch tried more spells but I wasn’t affected too as I ended her life on the spot. Dan was fighting two of the rogues at the same time while Chris was fighting one.

The other two rogues were already dead. I looked at the warlock and saw him smiling my way. That is when I noticed the scariest thing I have ever seen. His eyes were all black. He did not have a sclera(the white part in the eye), all he had was full black creepy eyes.

I watched him smirk my way and decided to attack him but to my surprise his powers were stronger than the other witches.

With just one look towards me I felt my body shaking from the pain. It felt like all my bones were cracking at the same time. I let out a loud scream because I couldn't control the pain or get away from his eye sight. I didn't know what was happening to me.

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