Chapter 2 ~ Martina:

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Before I went to Mr. Blanco's, I went to my agency after dropping my daughter at my mom's while I go to work, when I walked into the agency my manager Tomas had something for me which was a job as Jorge Blanco's Governess for his two children, at first, I was a bit nervous because this was a big job especially since this Jorge Blanco was a billionaire Businessman which means he is loaded with a big house, I drove straight to his house it was massive.

I rang the doorbell and there he was the man himself Mr. Jorge Blanco, he had brown gelled back hair, and he had a white shirt with black buttons done up while his top button was opened to show the top of his chest along with black trousers and a black belt around his waistband.

Martina: Mr. Blanco?

Jorge: Yes?

Martina: I have been assigned by the governess agency.

Jorge: Yeah, come on in, the boys will be down soon.

As I walked into this big house there was a huge lounge in front of me, I stood still while looking around the room, while he sat on the arm of the sofa in front of me.

Martina: I was told that you will need my service through school hours and after school hours?

Jorge: Yeah, where I own a billionaire business and it's getting harder to be able to work with the boys taking care of since their mom passed away.

Martina: Has there been anyone here since their mom passed away?

Jorge: No, it's just been the boys and I, well my best friend and his wife help me out occasionally, but it's come to an end where I can't keep depending on them and relying on myself, but don't worry you will get paid a fair share while you are here, there aren't many rules, just when it's school night then the boys go to bed around 9:00 pm.

Martina: Please, Mr. Blanco I understand it's hard bringing children up on your own, I know what it's like.

As we were talking, I could hear the kids running down the stairs, they must be hyper what does he do to these children? Jorge got up off the arm of the sofa and let his kids hug him, they must miss him like crazy when he isn't here.

Jorge: Boys Calm down, I would like you to meet your new Governess, this is uh...

Martina: I'm Martina Stoessel but you may call me Tini.

Jorge: Welcome Martina, now you have till 8:00 am to eat and sort yourselves out ready for school where daddy must go to work.

Martina: Well, aren't you two handsome? You must take it after your dad?

Jorge: Martina, this is Ethan he is 7 years old, and this is Joshua he is 5 years old, although Ethan is the cheeky one and Joshua is the big-headed one.

Joshua: Dad!!! *Hits his arm playfully*

Jorge: *Laughs* Only joking, Joshua, he's a bit of a know-it-all all.

Martina: Oh, well you must get it from your mom or dad.

Jorge: Certainly, from his mom.

Martina: Well, Ethan and Joshua, why don't we get you some breakfast before daddy goes to work.

The boys ran into the kitchen before I followed them in, I needed to ask Jorge some things where I had a few more questions about this job.

Martina: Do you need any documents from me?

Jorge: Just your resumé that's all and contact details, so I can contact you if I am going to be late home or anything.

Martina: Sure, do you need me to move in or am I okay to go home and come back in the morning?

The Governess ✔️ - Jorge & Martina  *Book 1*Where stories live. Discover now